No idea who fired the Missile but fairly sure hitting Poland was an accident but surely the story is as @Tekkytyke says above. The Russians are firing at Civilian targets in a country they have no right to be in. Had they not invaded and launched barrages of missiles at Ukraine nothing would have happened in Poland. Ukraine and now Poland are totally innocent in this - its all down to Putin
Well, here's a lesson about listening to your own sides propaganda and jumping to conclusions until all information is in. We still don't know who fired what, but zelensky is desperate to drag NATO into open conflict with Russia, that much is clear. Regardless it is true that Russian targeting of Civilian infrastructure is unconscionable, we would have more moral authority of course if NATO hadn't done the same to Serbia.......Iraq.......etc.......
He's a war monger just like Putin. All his rhetoric all the way through has been towards the West intervening with the military. He'd have quite happily stayed in his bunker let us try and defend the Ukraine if truth be known. I feel for the Ukrainian people.
Zelensky tried to start something the world doesn't need. We are all behind the people of Ukraine but it is amazing how since the war all the bad press stories about Ukraine do business disappeared overnight.
A further plot twist could be this gives the west an exit strategy although in probably overthinking it
The west don't want to get out. There's things in Ukraine the west want, and a greatful Ukraine fits the narrative nicely.
Sorry but thats absolute rubbish Zelensky is not a war monger. The only reason Ukraine is fighting is because Russia invaded - its as simple as that All Zelensky wants is Russia to leave Ukraines borders you cant paint him as the bad guy here there is very little grey here its fairly black and white Russia leaves Ukraines territory - war ends
Correction... Nato havo not said it was Polish, they have said it was a Ukrainian anti aircraft missile that fell over the border.
Agreed, sounds like this was a terrible accident but the primary reason for it happening was that Ukraine was defending itself against Russia. Russia that fired 90 missiles yesterday. If Russia hadn't fired the missiles there would have been the need for Ukraine to fire their air defences. To try and make out Zelensky is some kind of war monger is insane. Zelensky should maybe have waited until the source of the missile was known before saying anything but given the situation its hardly surprising.he didn't.
I wouldn't even describe Putin as a war monger. An insane, land grabbing, Imperialist thug, yes.. He's not destroying Ukraine for the sake of it, that doesn't make sense. Ukraine is rich in resources and accessibility, that's why it is desirable to both East & West. He'd much rather the infrastructure remains intact, he just didn't expect this level of resistance, arrogant ****..
It was two stray Torpedo's accidentally fired from a German U-Boat hitting the Lusitania that brought the Americans into World War 1.
He is keen to start WWIII though “Hitting NATO territory with missiles. … This is a Russian missile attack on collective security! This is a really significant escalation. Action is needed,” did he know at this point it was one of his missiles? If yes, then......If no, then.......