To be fair in Ukraine and Poland in 2012 there was only alco-free beer in the stadiums as well. In Russia 2018 and the Euros, just Bud. On all occasions I was more than happy to have a couple of very reasonably priced pints of local craft before the matches, drink water in the stadium - easily the best choice considering the searing temperatures - and then return to the ales after the game, again getting better beer for much less money. Granted you're not going to be finding any local craft ales for £3.50 a pint in Doha, but I still don't see any massive necessity to drink in the stadium. I'd just spend half the match peeing anyway!
These 8 (?) state of the art stadia - in what, an area the size of South Yorkshire .......... I imagined they would have been built with dozens of those fancy bar contraptions and dispensers like at the new White Hart Lane. Are they all going to be ripped out or .......... were they never actually installed? Hmmmm On a side not, my 16 year old self and his mates *almost* went to Espana 82, where tickets were easy to come by. France 98, we got to 30 miles of Paris for a week but no chance of tickets for even the lowest profile games. I kind of accepted I will never get to see a World Cup 'live' but have accepted the TV spectacle is a fairly decent alternative at my age; I've enjoyed a fair few tournaments. I cannot believe this latest affair is 2 days away and it barely strikes a chord with me. Barely a clue who is there, who is injured, who are favourites, no tournament gossip and have not had the slightest inclination (yet) to book time off to watch. A sad tournament, the pinnacle of a totally corrupt 12 years.
Generally speaking Christians don't think The Bible is the "word of God", it is recognised as being written by human's, and not as a direct "hotline" to God unlike the Koran, that is why there is changing interpretations and discussions on biblical texts - man made - as opposed to the Islamic viewpoint - the Koran came direct from God and is therefore not open to change or discussion. It might seem a small point, but it's not really, its the entire point.
Yes, its a pity that a better argument isn't made about the devastation that alcohol has on the world, rather than banning because Mohammed said God told him it was Haram, which is a much weaker argument IMHO. Also if easy access to alcohol inside the stadium is a deal breaker on going or not going to the world cup, then you probably need to stop drinking.
Additionally Christians generally take the New Testament as having precidence over the Old though there is a tendency for select groups to cherry pick Old Testament texts where they suit your Agenda Most non veggie Christians will happily tuck into a bacon Sarnie for example, ignore the rules on Ursury but quite a lot are big on the gays being banned based on a couple of texts in the Pentateuch Also most rational Christians ignore Pauls teaching on Women ( though I can point you at an ex footballer who fully embraces them)
Indeed the 2 covenants in the Old Testament between God and Moses and God and Abraham are superseded by the new covenant of Jesus - hence no more need to sacrifice animals as Jesus himself was the sacrifice, and the dispensing of the other rules like not wearing wool on a Saturday(or whatever ) and eating cheeseburgers,etc!
Wasn't the King James version of the bible almost totally re-written to make it more fluffy and cuddly? More acceptable to the readership of the day? Historical commentators reckon it was as crude, cruel and bloodthirsty as 'other' books are made out to be.
Personally I don't think religious people have any rational views on religion. If they did then there would be no religious people.
On the subject of the booze it was always going to play out that way. Personally I would rather they just enforced all their laws as normal.
Not really, given English versions of the Bible had been pretty unofficial and reflected the language of that time - ie the 14th Century version of English translated from Latin, it seems logical a newer official version would eventually follow given question of the reformation had been answered in England once and for all. It was translated from the original Greek (NT) and Hebrew/Aramaic (OT) I think it was more translation from Greek for words like "church" were used instead of "congregation" - hence reflecting the structure of the Church of England and the beliefs in ordained clergy, certainly there wasn't any secret re-writing of the gist of the whole thing - but definitely an agenda - the biggest question mark being which books to included and exclude from the "main" Bible - for example Protestants don't like the OT book of Maccabees (even though it had been included in The Bible since at least The Council of Rome in 382 AD) because it talks about praying for the dead - something they regard(ed?) as Catholic superstition. Anyway regardless of that it stands as a huge milestone in the development of our language for sure - its probably been all downhill since then!!
Anyone know anyone who's out there to watch games? Be good to know if they feel safe and have been treated well.
The banning of alcohol itself shouldn't be a fuss mate. Its about them lying about it until the last minute
He was a fluffy character. He was sticking it up Buckingham's back yacker. Biggest blasphemer going .
What if somebody steals something over there.. they get their hand chopped off. What if they steal something again.. they get their other hand chopped off. And what if they steal something yet again.. well they are bloo*dy clever if they do it again with NO hands!.