No it doesn’t. I did not know the circumstances only heard about shredding 10k. But it must be disheartening to those on the breadline and seeing 10K shredded.
It's obsene and like you say imagine how people feel who are genuinely struggling, as if things weren't bad enough.
Sometimes you have to make a statement like that to get people's attention, but i get where you're coming from.
I know what you are saying Titus but in all honesty no one should have to be making such statements to emphasise what is wrong with the distribution of wealth and how our banking system works.
Yes a lot lower, in fact I have no real issue with what Lycett did. Beckham is taking the blood money.
My viewpoint changed when Titus explained the situation to me although I still feel uncomfortable over 10k being shredded when poverty is all around.
I do get where you are coming from but in reality it makes little difference the statement is more powerful. Its no more wasteful than people spending 1000s on designer clothes that likely cost a few quid to make. I suppose we are all hypocrites, I hear England will take the knee tomorrow. While wearing shirts that's cost the fans over 100 quid and are likely made by people being paid next nothing in almost spare labour conditions.
What has he proved shredding that money ? David Beckham won't give a $hi£ so why do it? I don't understand it.
I have to say I'm no snowflake and certainly no right winger but shredding 10k seems pretty stupid to me. There's a lot of good things that could be done with 10k and a lot of other ways of proving a point. Beckham isn't getting the flak he's getting just because someone decided to (allegedly) burn some money.
Its a tricky one - I think shredding 10k isnt a good look either but as said above the point he was trying to make wouldn't work if he had just given the cash to a charity anyway. He has got loads more publicity doing it this way and if he makes enough people think, charities may get more than 10K from other donations as a result Ive lost a lot more respect for Beckham over this than I have for Lycett
I would love to see how many so called football fans would turn down a three week, all expenses paid trip to Qatar