Utter, utter dross. Right place, right time, hopeless pundit. Is there anything she isn’t on these days?
I'm sorry but are you really criticising someone with a degree in sports writing and broadcasting by saying 'she poor'?
Out of interest, what is it about her you don't like? She seems to be very clued in on the modern game and gets her point across very well.
Sorry, I was just taking the piss out of the fact that you said she poor instead of she is poor. I quite like her myself but each to their own. Actually I don't like any pundits really, I don't think they really add much to the game and just state the obvious but what I'd say about her is that to me she comes across as quite warm as opposed to some of them who seem to be deliberately confrontational. I think she would be a great host of a TV show or presenter on something in general.
Sorry, just need to probe this further. What do you mean by ‘out of her depth’? On top of what’s already been said, she has 140 England caps, and has represented her country at Olympics, Euros and World Cup. How much more depth do you think she needs? Other than being a bloke, which she can’t easily do.
Are you seriously comparing her 140 caps to the equivalent in the men’s game?......if so I think you need to give your head a shake mate....sorry!
I don’t think I need to give my head a shake at all. I’m saying her experience as a professional and international footballer, on top of her media qualifications, more than qualifies her to be an elite football commentator - regardless of whether the footballers she is commenting on are male or female.
Don’t then lol......yesterday she sat next to Alan Shearer, he gives his view of what it is like in England camp from his experience ok.......hers experience is miles away in comparison......I am so sorry you can’t see that pal.....quick question before I go mate......before she suddenly appeared on Sky sports the other year had you ever heard of her?.....just asking pal
Hmm that's a good point. Her experience of being in an England camp is miles away from Shearers. Hers is of an England camp in the modern era just a few years ago, his is of an England camp last century when players were photographed getting pissed and smoking.
I think she would be a great host of a TV show or presenter on something in general.[/QUOTE] You’ve obviously not seen her presenting the awful utter dross of a quiz show in the afternoon
I think you're confusing a post about the change in attitudes towards football training and professionalism with a post about men versus women which is quite strange really
I don’t know what ‘other year’ you’re referring to. I’m basing my opinion on what I’ve seen and heard over about 3 years as a broadcaster, and huge respect for what she has achieved in the game, as a woman in a massively male dominated sport, against immense adversity in childhood. But yes, I agree she doesn’t have experience of sharing a changing room with Wayne Rooney.
Really I,d rather listen to the dinosaurs ,women have taken over football I just turn them off especially women’s football.