No doubt will have been mentioned in another fred, but in case not, just dropped on an episode of 'Talking Pints', with Farage and Le Tissier. What an absolute set of weapons-grade bells. We all know what an evil snake Farage is, but genuinely sad to see what Le Tissier has become. And the audience, chortling along to their vile narrative. Every single one of em a Brexit voter. And Adele fan. Not racist though. Nailed on.
Used it love watching Matt Le Tissier play, but what do they say about never meet your heroes? He's down the rabbit hole in a tin foil hat.
Me too. Loved the fact he stayed loyal to Southampton and maybe missed out on England appearances as a consequence, but he seems very angry nowadays, not at all the laidback footballer of says gone by!
He was on Undr the Cosh a little while ago, and finished off with a bit of a pity party, because people don't subscribe to his anti-vax nonsense. Whilst he kept saying that everyone's entitled to their opinion, and if they don't like his then that's their prerogative, he did seem genuinely gutted that he's lost so much credibility over it. He just came across as a bit thick to be honest.
I feel more sorry for people like Le Tissier than people like Farage to be fair. They both repeat the same ********, but at least Le Tissier believes it. He's as much of a victim of disinformation as anyone. Doesn't change the fact that he's a knobhead though and he's got people killed by spreading his nonsense. Farage on the other hand you can bet money on him being first in line for the vaccine but he'll still bang the drum because it keeps him relevant with the hard of thinking.
I did feel sorry for Le Tissier a bit in that interview. He acknowledged that his beliefs might be incorrect, but it's what he believes. As you say, he was being genuine, as harmful as that may be. Farage is an absolute waste of oxygen, and should be doing time.
Bonkers. However - I think part of the issue of what has allowed these conspiracy theories to spread though has been the misinformation and U-turns on efficacy of both the vaccines and other treatments. Whitty and his two week about-turn on whether masks work or not. Hancock lying in Parliament about the Vitamin D trials, Biden stating categorically that if you took the vaccine you would be 'safe', the ridiculous and misleading straight line extrapolation graphs used by Vallance. These idiots and their criminally negligent handling of the whole episode created a truth vacuum and harboured a mistrust in all forms of treatment that led to these sorts of wild theories - 'if they lied about that, what else are they lying about'. It is unfortunate, dangerous but inevitable that when the public are consistently mislead and fed very selective presentations of the situation for 18 months whilst the biggest upwards wealth transfer in human history is undertaken that they will fill the truth vacuum with their own, albeit misguided, explanations. Perhaps if politicians and their interest-conflicted advisors just stopped lying we wouldn't have all this.
This made me laugh way more than it should have.... Quote- he got people killed because of his nonsense. #Pot #Kettle