To **** up a lot of peoples plans over the festive period.
As Pompy Red says, blame the cause. Do you really think the rail workers want to strike or cause misery???
I assume you're referring to the bosses that refuse to pay a fair wage and agree to proper working conditions. I agree.
Trains need improving top to bottom. I can't remember the last time I saw a conductor come down the carriage. One train an hour on the Penistone Line and it still isn't always on time. Still using outdated two carriage trains instead of the more modern three carraiges for extra space. Some stations near a refurb if only so they actually have disabled access. That all said they are still better than buses.
How dare they demand a pay rise in line with inflation? The very nerve... As someone who this will inconvenience I say good on them. I hope more industries follow suit
The union was informed yesterday by the head of the train operators (one hour before a scheduled meeting) that they were cancelling the meeting as they had been told they were not allowed to make any offer. The only people who could have ordered this was the Department of Transport.
The the biggest Civil Service Union PCS are taking targeted strike action starting next month. Lest we forget these people weren’t furloughed and continued to work all through lockdown to ensure vital benefit payments were made, amongst other things.
I support the strike action but you say that as if it made them badly done to? People not furloughed were the fortunate ones.
Striking is a fundamental right. If it was up to this government it would be made illegal. Gone are the days of striking at will. A minimum 14 days notice has to be given to the employers. Given the employers wasted proper negotiations yesterday. They invited this response. I'd say the unions have been patient. If a negotiated agreement was close and they were still round the table close to an agreement so to speak. . No strikes would have been called in my view. The last 3 days strike were called off because of intense negotiations. Union bosses accused train companies of refusing to make "their promised written proposals", and said Network Rail had "refused to make any proposals promised at the conclusion of intensive talks last week". Nuff said.
To quote Mick Lynch this morning. The Minister of the Dep.of transport is a liar. He explained the situation on GMB this morning and it's obvious where the problem lies. And handled every single question expertly and honestly in my view.
No they'll enjoy the time off with their families around Christmas while those that can be arsed are at work.
Unfortunately the reality is that the country is skint. Putting aside the fact you can blame the policies of Govt for the last decade and more for the state of the economy and the handling of the various crises -Covid, War in Ukraine, Brexit etc... compounding the World recession. The only way to fund these huge rises is higher growth and/or taxes. Inflation busting wages required more borrowing and that borrowing simply creates a bigger debt, (meaning Govt revenue end up being swallowed by interest repayments instead of funding NHS; infrastructure projects and Public services.) There is simply no short term fix and even if the will was there (and I don't really think radical change is on the cards with thsi Govt) and increased pay across the board is justified, it is simply not possible. Mass strike action digs the UK into an even deeper hole.
You seem to forget. The tories privatised the railways and we now subsidise by 3 times more than under nationalisation. The rail workers haven't had a rise for 3 yrs. Yet private companies paid out £500 million to shareholders last year alone. Yet again folk are accepting that those at the low end of the pay scale absorb the losses. Here is where the main problem lies. And they hide their wealth away. Threaten to leave the country if they get upset at having to contribute more. Main points. Wealth is unevenly distributed between individuals in Great Britain, with the wealthiest 10% estimated to hold around half of all wealth, primarily in the form of private pensions and property.7 Jan 2022
You do know how negotiations work then Stephen. This is a typical tactic to alienate the working class by a tory government, and you've swallowed it hook line and sinker. I assume you'll swallow up any offer put to the NHS.