Can’t comment on other areas but I do have to wonder: In Lincoln the sitting Labour MP was doing a good job but the mistake she made was she went on record saying when voting on Brexit as an MP she would go with her thoughts and not be swayed by her constituents thoughts. As a seat that sways between Tory/Labour IMO this was enough to lose her seat to an absolutely awful Tory MP.
Good question, I don't know the answer mate. I'll have a google. According to this, the answer is no. Only 2 countries have no debt; Leichtenstein and Niue.... Our debt is second only to the USA.
There are contingency funds but as for disaster planning, there was a plan for a pandemic and the Tories binned it...
Wouldn't have made much difference is the reality. Recession doesn't mean there's no money just that the economy isn't growing.
This Brexit malarkey. When Cameron put it to the country. More Tory mps were in the remain camp than leave. They've had to deliver what most of them didn't want. Although there is a majority now of tory mp's who voted leave. Although I was a Corbynite so to speak. He was a eurosceptic. And he was the one who presided over the labour party at the time. Only the liberals of the 3 major parties were strongly in favour of remain. The main problem was Boris. Who conned the public and when got into power didnt have a clue how to handle the situation thinking it would be a walk in the park.
As much as I wish we'd never left the EU, petitions like this are no good because we're now light years away from rejoining. Why would the EU accept us back in in our current state?
I don’t think there’s an economy in the western world carrying that level of contingency funding. Given the that it took us most of the second half of last century to pay for World War Two I think the notion of contingency funding is a bit of a pipe dream
Just for the satisfaction of saying “we told you so”. Ireland would be very keen just to resolve the border issue. Before brexiit I would have agreed with you but now I get the impression they would have us back in no time
I think we're paying now for Cameron's failure. It's government's job to govern. When you offer referendums it's admitting you don't have the bo llocks to make decisions and govern. He divided the Country unnecessarily for me. The bit I didn't get was why he offered the referendum and backed remain. We were already in the EU. All it did weaken his grasp on power. Anyhow...
He agreed to it as it allowed him to get a majority for the 2015 election and also he thought he/remain would win the referendum and shut the eurosceptics at the same time - quite the miscalculation.
At the time it was all over the news that he wasn't happy with the deal the UK had from the EU. He went to Brussels with his demands and came back with his tail between his legs as they told him to f cuk off. That must have purely been coincidence.
I genuinely think Cameron. Like most of the country including some vote leavers. (A couple I know used it as a protest vote and didn't give it much thought. and immediately regretted it, once it went through) was among the it'll not happen. Which probably gave the stay at homers that impression. How good that worked out. The nob, Boris led an aggressive campaign, supported by the right wing media. The opposers did not.
I get the impression Johnson just wanted to be Prime Minister. He was willing to do anything to secure that dream with very little thought into actually how he was going to govern. He was spent after the landslide election win in 2019 because his whole campaign was Brexit. If anything Covid should have done him a favour but through his antics he looked a political gift horse in the mouth.
But I'm not sure that all EU countries would be keen to have us back in, while we're as dysfunctional as we are and we still have what is effectively a UKIP government. We need to get some common sense into our politics before we can do anything, because we're a laughing stock at the moment.