John barnes made some very good points before the usa game
guess it depends which of his comments you're referring to. if it's the ones about Boris Johnson and bellends wearing crusader outfits, I agree. if it's the ones about respecting laws which imprison homosexuals and have sentences punishable by death - then he's talking absolute b0llocks. I personally don't respect any law which says you could be sent to prison, beaten and maybe even executed, for who you choose to love. I'm afraid he's going down the Fashanu route there.
Their views and laws stem from their interpretation of the Quran. So look no further than to blame another fictitious religion. You can hardly compare the Nazis with Qatar. Last time I looked, Qatar hadn't started to invade other countries and commit genocide.
If you're referring to Barnes' comment, I don't think he's comparing Qatar to the nazis. I think he's comparing wearing a crusader outfit to wearing a nazi uniform
He makes very good points. I don't remember so much uproar four years ago when Russia was hosting after invading Crimea. Will we get uproar in four years time when USA host the World Cup with their gun and abortion laws? Should we not get given any major tournament because we were involved in an illegal war? The west always tries to police the world and gets treated better than anyone else. Take Cricket for example. Pakistan had a terror attack on a vehicle and countries didn't play there for well over a decade as it was supposedly not safe. We had a terror attack on a vehicle (7/7) and nothing got cancelled.
Well dont go if you dont respect their laws or way of life. Sorted. I dont agree with American gun laws but i wont be protesting at the next world cup
I won't be going. ever. that's irrelevant though. some of their militant sharia law is barbaric, and has no place in a civilised society. is that your world view? as long as it isn't happening in your country it's fine, and no one should interfere?
I dont agree with what kim jong un does or putin or how china treat there people thats barbaric.. i have no intention of visiting and telling them or protesting... We have know for 10 years the wc was going to Qatar maybe the goverment or f.a should have made a stand or all nations and say were not off.
Why do people keep telling us to 'respect' the laws of a country as homophobic as Qatar? It's really, really odd.