Great question! Imagine going home early from work because you're unwell and when you return everyone wants to know if it's because you're just really really gay...
Pissing myself at “even a twitter account” tbf - can set up a twitter account to say anything in under 30 seconds!
It is possible to come over a little queer as my Grandmother says. Quite a common expression for the elderly to use.
I also struggled to see the logic. Assumed that one of his close family members was unwell, which is often the case when someone leaves the squad unexpectedly.
What a terrible thread,what does it matter who is gay or who is straight ,trouble with social media people can just say what they want
Imagine any other profession where this would be even spoken about never mind an issue. Football is very different to real life in so many ways.
From a quick look at twitter it seems to all be based on the fact that in the photo Arsenal put up of him, he’s wearing an earring. No, i’m not joking.
Who was that Blackpool player that came out last season? The fact that I genuinely can't remember his name suggests how uninteresting a story it is when a player comes out as gay. It should just be the norm.
Jake Daniels - reason I know is because I've seen him mentioned about a million times in last couple of days. Even if the press are well-meaning (though they're not, they just want a scoop), why would anyone want this much grief and hassle around their sexuality?
Silly A 'beard' is someone a gay person dates of the opposite sex so people think they are hetrosexual. The beard would likely know what they are because it would all be a front for the press, but they get a career bump from being associated with someone far more famous.
Here we are in the 2020s and we've still got discrimination. Not this soldier. I think they're all gay.