I understand poorly educated people who believe but it honestly boggles my mind how otherwise intelligent people can believe.
Why should you expect to be ridiculed for believing in something someone else doesn't belive in,what a ridiculous statement. People can belive in what they want and shouldn't have to put up with ridicule. I've read some garbage on here over the years but this takes some beating lol.
How's that ridiculing you ? I was just saying if people don't agree on something imo it's fine but there is no need for ridicule.
I didn't say you were. just pointed out that you said it was ridiculous, to ridicule. was a joke like
Religion will never completely die as if you think about it, there can never really be any categoric evidence which religious people would accept to prove there is no god. There isn’t particularly much to fear about the growth of Islam either. Islam and Christianity, whilst having many clear differences, are fundamentally very similar and have many mirrored accepted ‘truths’, regarding god, Jesus, the virgin birth etc etc - they are essentially slightly different versions of the same thing. True Islam according to scripture also accepts Christians as believers of the one true god; the Quran also praises Christians for humility and wisdom.
That’s really odd though, innit? In literally every other aspect of humanity, belief of something is based on being able to prove it, not the inability to disprove it. Weird.
Very odd. One of my favourite quotes is "Science adjusts its views based on what's observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved" - Religion is all about denial of truth because it proves religion wrong. While it's true that most religious people are too far into the cult to ever be dissuaded, clearly young people are not falling for it, which can only be a good thing.
There is zero proof for the existence of any of the gods followed around the world. Every religion is based on pure stone age superstition. If there were any proof there wouldn't be a menu of religions to choose from as everyone would just convert to the one that had been proven. Literally anyone can start their own religion and the likes of Joseph Smith and L Ron Hubbard have done it. Hubbard even SAID he was going to do it. Given the right ratio of the unscrupulous and the gullible it can be done.
A good thing for who? You? Don’t think Lionel Messi will agree to remove his large tattoo of Jesus for you! Or most of the Spanish World Cup squad denounce their faith even if you tell them they’ve been deceived by a magic cult leader. Just thought I’d keep it topical lol
But some of these same young people also believe in a flat earth. Or on the bandwagon of conspiracy theories. The human mind. Great init
The world. Religion is the cause for most issues in the world. Even now, in both America and here, the rights of LGBT people and Women are being threatened in the name of Christianity. I said that most people are too far in to ever be dissuaded, but that young people are getting sucked in at a rate far lower than religious people are dying, which is why the number of religious people are getting lower by the day. Something which I consider to be a positive thing for the country and the world.
Clearly it must be a bad night for news if you’ve stooped this low to deride people beliefs - religious or otherwise. These are just your own interpretations of events. 8% of the population of England and Wales are Catholic (and that’s their choice). How many if the World Cup players have come on the pitch giving the sign if the cross? Messi or otherwise - that’s their choice fella. “Sucked in” is your opinion! I’m assuming you’ll be wishing everyone a Merry Christ Mass soon lol.