And yet I thought it ok. Although I hate green. Can’t abide it in anyway shape or form. So no way can I like the Moroccan kit.
Have you enjoyed the match Helen? I think its been borrrrrring. Morocco defending really well, Spain can't get past their back line. Morroco hardly had ball but ironically I think they've had best chance and should be in front!
Given respective rankings Spain really towing on this. Only watched the 2nd half and extra time so far and have to agree with Tyke The TreeFrog as it has been pretty boring. I am pretty sure England would have buried Morocco. If we get past France and enfd up meeting Spain or Morocco I don't think we have much to fear from either. As I was about to post Morocco have just missed a clearcut chance to score
On the subject of Pork Pies... Are Albert Hirst pies still good? Last time in UK I got Percy Turners which were pretty fine but my daughter has ordered a couple from the Farm shop at Marr as we are coming over for Christmas and I have no idea what they are like so I want a plan B
I think it's been a good match, just the chances that have been vacated haven't been scored from. Hope Morocco go through, they deserve it.
I wanted Morocco to win at the beginning but they’ve shown zero ambition, just looked to stop Spain playing. Ok Spain could do better but this negative football reminds me of when Greece somehow won the Euros and whoever they got in the next round it would be more of the same. No thanks!
Watching a different game to me Morocco midfield have been brilliant , in extra time they’ve gone for it but they’ve got Victor up front