Died of cancer aged 71. She was good in Cheers but I never liked that as much as Frasier which, for me, was the best American comedy ever on tv
I preferred Cheers to Fraiser but I also preferred Shelley Long's character Dianne to to Kirsty's Rebecca but that was the script not the actress She was still working this year so it must have been a rapid deterioration 71 is quite young these days RIP
Looking forward to the new series but will be odd without the old characters. DHP said he might pop up in the occasional episode
What a heartfelt RIP ,she was good in cheers but I liked Frasier best ,WTF then loads of posts about who likes what and only one more RIP so here goes RIP Kirstie ,probably deserves her peace after suffering terribly from the cancel culture after daring to show her real feelings about the world we live in
Do you reckon the ghost of Kirstie Alley checks the Barnsley BBS to see whether everyone has put RIP on their post?
RIP Kirstie. Think she might have been my first crush actually. Loved the Look Who’s Talking films as a kid and remember Mum letting me stay up a bit later to watch Cheers with her. A happy, more care free time.