BarnsleyReds Well-Known Member Messages: 10,348 Likes Received: 11,489 Trophy Points: 113 Stop Ignoring churtonred Well-Known Member, Male Messages: 9,288 Likes Received: 13,630 Trophy Points: 113 FON Stop Ignoring Fonzie Well-Known Member Messages: 6,850 Likes Received: 10,831 Trophy Points: 113 Stop Ignoring I'm Spartacus Well-Known Member Messages: 5,587 Likes Received: 1,643 Trophy Points: 113 Stop Ignoring JamDrop Well-Known Member Messages: 16,017 Likes Received: 14,168 Trophy Points: 113 Stop Ignoring JamieBreweryStander Well-Known Member Messages: 1,244 Likes Received: 1,729 Trophy Points: 113 JAY Stop Ignoring Jay Well-Known Member Messages: 38,793 Likes Received: 21,759 Trophy Points: 113 LEY Stop Ignoring leythtyke Well-Known Member, Male Messages: 6,368 Likes Received: 9,735 Trophy Points: 113 LK3 Stop Ignoring lk311 Well-Known Member Messages: 6,868 Likes Received: 5,337 Trophy Points: 113 MAN Stop Ignoring mansfield_red Well-Known Member Messages: 7,818 Likes Received: 11,709 Trophy Points: 113 MID Stop Ignoring Mido Well-Known Member Messages: 10,889 Likes Received: 5,626 Trophy Points: 113 Stop Ignoring pompey_red Well-Known Member, Male Messages: 12,762 Likes Received: 8,358 Trophy Points: 113 Stop Ignoring Red Lemonade Well-Known Member, Male Messages: 1,265 Likes Received: 367 Trophy Points: 83 RED Stop Ignoring Redsnut Well-Known Member Messages: 2,517 Likes Received: 695 Trophy Points: 113 Stop Ignoring sadbrewer Well-Known Member Messages: 8,115 Likes Received: 2,996 Trophy Points: 113 Stop Ignoring Skryptic Well-Known Member Messages: 2,273 Likes Received: 1,855 Trophy Points: 113 Stop Ignoring Tarntyke Well-Known Member Messages: 12,210 Likes Received: 9,415 Trophy Points: 113 TEK Stop Ignoring Tekkytyke Well-Known Member Messages: 6,792 Likes Received: 4,074 Trophy Points: 113 THE Stop Ignoring The trin tyke Member, Male Messages: 73 Likes Received: 63 Trophy Points: 18 Stop Ignoring TitusMagee Well-Known Member, Male Messages: 7,476 Likes Received: 11,189 Trophy Points: 113 Stop Ignoring troff Well-Known Member Messages: 7,054 Likes Received: 8,258 Trophy Points: 113
Joking aside mate there isn’t one poster on your list that I’d put on ignore…tho to be honest I think there’d only ever be one in the history of the bbs that I’ve felt that way about and that was the Trump lover (I’m still waiting for Trump to get in by the way)
I agonised when compiling the list. However, it's not nice when people you like and respect clearly despise you. The likes of @churtonred, @TitusMagee , @JamDrop and @Fonzie were on the list because if I can't see what they post I can't antagonise them any further.
One or two on that list surprises me - still I am not on it so I must be doing something wrong. I cant wait to see whats on my xmas card
SD - you`re one of the more colourful and irreverent posters on here (if at times somewhat close to the bone with some posts). Sounds like from this OT you`re looking for a bit of love so here it is. I`m sure we all love you and keep that Christmas Card list long!
Ah there is an explanation as to why the likes of @JamDrop and @churtonred are on the list - makes more sense now