If we lose to Oxford it will probably matter very little in the great scheme of things. In fact in the period between this World Cup and the next BFC could well be promoted and relgated two or three times. England are three games away from achieving something they've not done in 56 years. For what it's worth I don't think we will but nevertheless it's a far bigger game. I don't get the "I don't care about England" bit. I identify as British more than English but, sports wise it's more often England than the UK as an option. There's no UK football team. I fully understand the slight embarrassment with identifying as English. The flag and the concept has been soured and hijacked by hooligans, racists and jingoists. Nevertheless there are good things about it and I don't like that being taken away by cretins. They don't speak for me. We have friends here, both English, who moved to Ireland 17 years ago. They're almost fanatically pro Irish and anti anything English. They go into raptures on the rare occasions the Irish beat us at cricket. I don't get it. I never will. It's bizarre. I do get that some love club more than country. At a certain point I would too. If the offer was England to win the World Cup or Barnsley the FA Cup then I'd go for Barnsley. But Barnsley V Oxford or England v France.? Nah, it's a no brainer.
Yeah, I think you’re right. The game against France will probably be a good indicator to see how far we’ve come in the last few years. Hopefully we’ll best Oxford and then England get through too to make it a very good Saturday.
I think it should have been the 2018 Final if we'd had that little bit of belief and taken our chances whilst we were on top. I think Sterling not squaring the ball to Kane v Sweden in the Quarter Final cost us dear. When Kane had the chance to square it to Sterling at 1-0 up in the Semi he didn't. At 2-0 I reckon we win that game.
Think I read a quote about a Dutch man saying this ,he invented inflatable shoes ,lol,oh well you see where I’m trying to go,lol
England because I want to see us win the World Cup and I think we will be promoted this season no matter our result on Saturday. If you had said Barnsley to get promoted or England to win the World Cup then I would have picked Barnsley.
Definitely England. I can’t see any chance that Barnsley go up automatically. At best we have a 1 in 4 chance of going up through the play offs & that’s if we even make them. I think Duff’s overachieving in having us in the play offs & in all likelihood I think we’ll end up finishing just outside the play offs regardless of Saturday’s result. With England I think we’re second favourites against France but in my opinion if we win we become favourites to win the whole thing. I’m not sure when we’ll get another chance to win a World Cup with such a strong group of players so I’m definitely taking England.
England for me I'm afraid this time. I'd rather see England win the world cup than Barnsley get promoted to the championship. I've seen us promoted to the championship 3 times and I'm probably going to see it again (touch wood). Now if you said to me England to win the world cup or Barnsley back in the premier league then I'm going Barnsley all the way.
When we played Cardiff in the FA Cup semi someone posted "Would you rather us stay up or reach the Cup Final" Most were saying Barnsley to stay up but I said why can't it be both. As it turned out we stayed up and missed out.on the Cup Final but as we know, we've been up and down several times since. In answer to this question, I still say ,"Why can't it be both" .
England to win since, especially if we went on to win the Tournament it might provide a brief respite from the media 'doom and gloom' even if for 24-48 hours. Uk could do with something to lighten teh mood a bit. A someone has said, losing to Oxford would not be the 'be-all and end all' as there are plenty of games still to play. England have one shot at this then a wait for more 4 years.