A couple of threads touching on the fallout from the energy prices. We have had ours on but we are certainly being cautious with it.
We have. As our seriously ill daughter is extremely vunerable to the cold, it's something we have to do.
We have George keeps picking up respiratory infections. Been prescribed antibiotics and a steroid inhaler. Laura's been sleeping with him all week.
We have got ours on although I have a woodburner which I fire up every night & this holds the stat off thus switching the CH off .
I have a little fan heater which I take room to room. Takes a while, but does the job so far. Draughty old 18th century cottage, period windows, doors etc, prone to damp. Grade 2 listed. Heritage properties should get a cheaper rate, I reckon.
Thank you. She claims seeing my half naked body is having a greater adverse effect on her health than the cold, but I don't think that's true!
I refused until last Thursday when I was shivering in bed and I gave in and switched it on (I was ill though, which is my excuse).
When we were looking for somewhere in Lincoln after moving back to the UK we viewed some spectacular old places, but in the end went for a boring newbuild as we were terrified about how much heating an Edwardian house would cost over the winter.