No admin. Doesn't matter what you do in NHS there's a banding system. They got rid of Band 1 and upgraded it to band 2. Then down banded all band 3 staff in admin to Band 2 except secretaries. I appreciate it isn't cutting edge like Ambulance driving but it doesn't matter if you're a window cleaner under banding system.
At 37 going on 38 after 13 years service. I'd rather stay put in the hope things improve. We're a good bunch where I work. I've two A levels in Engineering but it just wasn't me.
Calm down flower. If you don't like people talking about family members maybe you shouldn't bring them up in the first place.
You've literally lied about your family. Twice. Because you admitted it. Unbelievable. In every sense.
He sounds very ambitious. Can’t believe an alpha male such as yourself has brought up a son that’s happy to settle for such a salary. it’s alright though, i’m sure next week you’ll let us all know about his £700,000 a day job that he’s had for over 200 years.
I see the same people bullying again on here . Your like school kids ganging up on the fat one at school .
From memory, didn't u have either imaginary kids who went to private schools or real kids who went to imaginary private schools, then there were the Japanese and Pakistani sister in laws who were coming to Christmas dinner in order to prove you're not a big racist?
Get down the gym or the pool then, a mile a day swimmin, you'll soon be the one with the 6 pack who got all the girls. Edit......girls/boys/non binaries......apologies, no offence.
I did on the 1st one and yes I do on the 2nd one ! yes I did and yes I do . In fact more than likely they will be going to a home match a Xmas as their husbands are big red fans . Meet me and I shall introduce you to them pal .