It's rumoured Noel Edmunds has a house in these parts. Are you Noel Edmunds. Sounds like Crinkley Bottom .
Have you ever met Mr C? Edmonds is a fifth of the size and has less than a tenth of the ability, mate!
I can understand that, John. I'd rather be a bit chilly in an oldie worldy gaff, but that's just me & only have myself & an old terrier to worry about. Edwardian isn't even that old. Mine dates to the 1730s, Since the Rockinghams built the village proper. My argument is, if the preservation of old buildings is so important to the country's heritage, how about halfing our heating bills? Whether that's the responsibility of government or the Wentworth Estate, isn't really my problem.
I’ve got that answer to all this. An electric underblanket. You don’t need to heat the bedroom. Never used to trust em myself, got too hot and then cold in the night. But here’s the way to do it. Turn it onto a medium heat an hour before you get in. Then turn it down to its lowest setting (1) when you get in and leave it on that all night. Costs pence to run an all. Don’t know how much they are now but ours was about £60. Well worth it.
Thats sad news please give Laura our love - oh and have some of it for yourself and Crystal. Its been hard for all of you over the years
Not yet - my dual Yorkshire/Scottish heritage means my arms are shorter and pockets longer than most Seriously, I have indulged with an extra duvet and the electric blanket is doing overtime. I'll resort to heating when it doesn't get above zero during the day
Just my opinion folks but we did get a grant . Not huge granted and the price increase more or less wiped it out but come on , get your heating on . Fook the energy suppliers they won’t turn you off !
It was my birthday in August. I was 66 and had the forethought to save the candles for any emergency. The last few days I have been huddled around a lighted candle for my sole means of heating. I’m half way through my supply and am getting a tad worried about how long they will last.
Fire does the trick as long as you're in the living room. Waste of money putting central heating on to warm rooms you're not going in.
We’re lucky that we’re renting a mid terrace with a new roof, plenty of insulation and triple glazed windows. Put our heating on for 45 mins in the morning and it stays warm all day. Sometimes blast it for 30 mins before bed if it gets nippy