Domain seized by US homeland security. I’ve been watching the England Vs Pakistan’s test series the last week or so and went on to watch it just now, only to find the domain has been seized.
Is it just me or is dodgy sports streaming really not a national security issue? Just sounds like the supposed US national security organisation being used as the sharp end of capitalism
To be fair if you've bought the rights to something it's reasonable to expect to get the legal benefit. I'm sure hesgoal aren't Robin Hood. They illegally make profit off dodgy broadcast. I'm not being holier than thou because I've occasionally watched some of their stuff. Now the morality of the extent to which sports governing bodies sell off their product to third parties so that fans incur higher and higher pruces to have access to them....that's another issue.
I never use it but this domain still works. Is it the same In any case I’m sure it will resurface maybe with a less strictly policed country code.
I assume Hesgoal (and other similar sites) are being run at a profit. So do we know where the money ends up? I'm not taking the moral high ground, I've used these sites myself now and then to watch the Reds, but for all I know I could be helping to bankroll organised crime, Putins war effort, or God knows what else. I'd be interested to understand the money flow for these models. Those are what I use for things not on Sky.
The thing is though, if (some) of the companies involved weren't capitalist greedy lovely people they'd be no reason for these pirates sites to exist. Why don't people look in the mirror for the problem rather than blaming someone else?
You could ask the same with regard to British taxes and arms deals. Ref :