Expect this to rumble on of a good while, with more being named.. EU Parliament Vice President as well so not a nobody in terms of the wonderful EU.
Classic whataboutery. Is posting this one person being corrupt trying to show that the entire EU is corrupt and therefore Brexit was the correct course of action?
So that excuses the UK for all it's middle-east based corruption then? Not to mention the Conservatiski Party.....
Wow. One high ranking eu official looks like she might have had her back pocket filled questionably, and you use this as fuel against the eu and to back your still held assertion that brexit was a good idea. How much corruption by the U.K. government, how many back hand deals with the Middle East and Russia, have you ignored to attempt this? Unbelievable.
Don't forget people, we have a Russian Oligarch, the son of a Russian KGB agent sitting in the House of Lords, FFS. Kettles and frying pans come to mind. @MDG - you are helping their cause mate.
Lets just compare and contrast how the EU have treated this with how the Tory Party deal with bribes donations either to the party or individual MP's - not to mention the totally corrupt way they fleeced the UK tax payers over Test and Trace PPE etc Before you throw stones at that window maybe take a look at the glasshouse you are in
Post is about the start of people getting found out for the world cup corruption, be very interesting to see how far this spreads.. Every politician whether that be Tory, Labour, Green, Fib Dem, Indie, SNP or whoever in the UK should obviously be strung up for corruption. Absolutely no problem with that. As for the control we have in this country, we should demand that prison sentences are handed out accordingly when the truth is aired over PPE etc. Just a point my little attack hounds, not everything has to be compared to Tory corruption so stop with the outrage just because I pointed out some within the EU as well....
As per my previous post. I posted it because it was about the footy in particular. EU bit was a it of a hook and string and boy did it work . But like I said... Do we really have to compare everything to the **** show we have in power?
If thats the line you are taking then make sure thats what you are suggesting in your post. That wasn't clear as the reason why you posted the link. Your post looked akin to all the other posts you write around Brexit and the EU and your love of all things Tory.
Give up with the love of all things Tory. Never once voted for em in my life. My actual preference would be a house of independents. Our system needs massive reform.
Misquote there Mr C... I just actually said.. 'Stop with the outrage'. Everybody has a hissy fit if a post doesn't read to their liking. But in general, if anybody posts about any wrong doing around the world, it seems the stock answer is but what about the Tories. They will get their comeuppance at the next general election and hopefully a few go on holiday at his majesties pleasure. But not everything in the world is linked to them.
The EU bribery scandal starts already. The wonderful EU are taking bribes. EU high up is bent. The EU is ****. EU corruption is rife. For anyone wondering, my post is about the world cup not the EU....
Qatar was accused of making bribes to fifa to win the World Cup, but were cleared in an investigation, by fifa, you couldn't make it up