When I was a kid in the 60s and the weather got a bit extreme – heavy rain, storms snow etc – my mother could identify the cause… “It’s all those rockets they’re sending up!” As far as I know she didn’t work for NASA or any other space agency so where she got that from I don't know. Anyone else remember that phrase?
I bet she'd seen them cloud seeding and thought sending bigger objects up than silver bullets would cause storms.
"You get thrown in jail for saying you're English nowadays" "Brexit means Brexit" Both incredibly weird sayings.
The best thing since sliced bread. What's wrong with uncut bread? Bite the bullet. Who'd be daft enough to do that? Once in a blue moon. The moon isn't blue. A different kettle of fish. Who puts fish in a kettle? Happy as a pig in muck. Pigs can't talk so how can you be sure they are happy about being in muck? Special mention to most phrases Football players use such as we go again (after a defeat), fans were different class and it's going to be a tough game when privately they will be thinking sometimes that our opponents are **** and we should be beating them.
My head goes when I hear. "That shot was almost too good" or "He hit that too well" when on both occasions he actually missed and didn't score begging the response surley not good enuff...
Before brexit, fish could be cooked in a vessel called a fish kettle. Sadly, after leaving the EU this practice is now illegal.
That's supposed to go way back to when William of Orange came over from Holland to be King. When there was bad weather coming from the East - Holland way - it was said to be black over Bill's mother's
If tha dunt stop rooring, i'll gi thi summat to roor abart. If thar falls off that wall an breks thi leg, dunt cum running to me. My dad used to say, if tha wants ought doing, do it thisen it wint cost thi nowt.
A "blue moon" is the name given to the third of four full moons in one season (3 months) quite rare but not that rare given the fact that there are 13 lunar months in a year.
I think that it was the naughty step in some homes. You sat there until your sentence term was completed.