Got a pair of tickets for the greatest Manchester guitar band of the 80s and can't go for a combination of illness (wife) and tinnitus (me). Its late, etc., so instead of just writing it off DM me if you are interested... The venue is the Parish ( and face value is £20.
Before you get onto the BBS it shows the latest post. If its in this thread it reads as' Anyone want any Chameleons... I was quite interested.
Saw them in Holmfirth just pre-Covid and they were really good - until the Mrs collapsed in the encore
Yeah. It was most likely a diabetic episode after not eating - we meant to get food on the way but it was the night of Storm Dennis and the journey wasn't great - but since then an ECG detected signs of a possible historic heart attack so it could have been that night (or even both). She recovered after eating and nothing else was found after tests. Not great when you've got to carry someone out of a venue though
detected signs of a possible historic heart attack. Historical! You would have noticed at the time if it was a historic heart attack.
Heart attacks can be less visible in women. As for a Heart Attack itself. My colleague at work had a heart attack. He felt unwell but wouldn't go to the hospital as the ecg carried out by the Ambulance crew just showed a minor trace of one. He told them he'd go to the Doctors in the morning. Finished his brandy, had a cigar and then went to the Doctors. They sent him to a and e where blood tests confirmed he'd had a mild heart attack. They put him a stent in and he was fine. When you die and they open you up. There will be scars across your heart. These are caused by minor heart attacks we have throughout our lives. It is possible.
Not necessarily. Women don't always exhibit the classic sweating, arm pain or chest tightening symptoms. It can present as jaw/neck pain, dizziness or even nausea. Which is why they miss a lot. it's possible to have,Shortness of breath
I'm not disputing whether she had a heart attack or not, and very glad to hear she's alright. I've had a double bypass and met loads of folks who didn't show any of the classic signs of attack. I was pointing out your use of 'historic' 'historical'. Didn't intend to be insensitive.
Great venue, great food, great drinks choices and great night life. You can't go wrong with Parish. It was good in their old venue but even better since taking over where Tokyo nightclub was.
Saw Bug Club there a few months back. Decent enough pub. Only problem is there’s no bar upstairs where gigs are, so you have to keep going back downstairs.
Yeah that's always been a pain. When it was Tokyo you had dance/techno upstairs, rock/indie in the basement, cheesy pop by the bar by the main entrance and outside in the smoking area where they would have burgers and hot dogs you could buy it would be electro. Something for everyone in them days.