....Whatever stance you take, and it has to be said the whole thing has turned into a stinking great pile of sh*t, the divisiveness continues unabated. This seemingly random post has been prompted by the fact that we are in the process of packing to come to the UK for Christmas to stay with family and working out what we can bring to the UK and also what we can take back. to Italy... The whole issue shows a perfect example of how our view on Brexit determines who is to blame for some of the stupid import/export rules that have resulted. Meat and dairy cannot be taken into the EU from UK , the EU arguing it is to protect their citizens interests re health and environment protection which soumd all well and good. Except, they have carried to to a ridiculous extreme..... Onviously, fresh raw meat, milk etc. is a risk so banned. However what about, cheese and items like Lindt (Swiss) and Belgian chocolates-they contain milk ..ironically, that originated from EU in the first place. Not that it makes sense since we live in Italy but if I was to try to bring Parmesan cheese bought in a UK supermarket back into the EU it would be confiscated an I could face a huge fine, French cheeses - the same. A cheese and salami or ham sandwich made with Italian or French cheese ...confiscated, Brie and rocket confiscated... Bizarrely, Simmenthal or any tinned meats originating in Europe.... confiscated. Processed suet like Attora difficult to get in EU. confiscated. Commercially, French caught fish shellfish no problem, Same fish shellfish caught in same waters by UK trawlers subject to prohibitively expensive certification and documentation. Most of the above, you can freely bring into the UK so it is all a bit one sided. Where the diverse opinions come in is that .. Remain voters argue this is what the Govt agreed to and signed up for so 'own it' TRUE Leavers argue it is a perfect example of the bureaucratic, protectionist nature of the EU. TRUE In truth BOTH side are right. The bodged negotiations papered over such glaring inconsistencies in the details and illogical rules were accepted unchallenged by t UK negotiators. On the other side, somebody wrote these rules and included them in the document in the first instance . No rational mind can justify rules blocking an individual re-importing a product into its country of origin for personal use. It does raise serious questions regarding the real intent rather than a smokescreen of 'protecting EU citizens health and the environment', especially when bringing most of those items into the UK from the EU is perfectly legal. I can bring a salami and prosciutto into the UK but if I tried to bring it back out it would be confiscated. Whatever. The whole thing has turned into a complete mess for which there is no turning the clock back, in spite of increasing number wishing they could.
Your Mrs may try sneaking some cheese into your suitcase seeing as you are busy playing on your phone when you are meant to be packing. Safe journey
Remember when we were told we would have the 'exact same rights'? And we can look forward to fingerprinting at airports from next Summer. What a hoot!
America can be a nightmare. To get through passport control to enter the country. Practically throw you on board the plane to depart. Security checks non existent.
Meanwhile "Lord" Frost gets £26,000 as compensation for loss of office as our brexit negotiator. He who negotiated the deal that the Tories have been trying to wriggle out of ever since. What a bunch of Jeremys!
No government in the history of the UK have sanctioned as many economic foot shootings, in such a short space of time, as this party. The "party of responsible economy", my ar$e.
Unfortunately it is the exact opposite. I would love to bring a Norfolk Black Turkey back to Italy for New Year as you can't get them here. Sadly it would be confiscated and I would probably end up spending New Year's Eve in the company of the Carabinieri whilst no doubt some customs official's wife is reading up on the best way to cook a whole 'oven ready' Norfolk Black Turkey
Yeah! My sides are splitting!! Probably should have expected it given the ineptitude on the UK negotiators side and the fact the French were reluctant for the UK to join in the first place. Macron is pretty Nationalistic and is certainly making the most of our 'discomfort'.
Foot shootings? Nonsense! Surely you mean head shots!! It required multiple attempts to actually hit the brain given how little grey matter seems to have been present during the negotiations.
should come as absolutely no surprise how things have turned out. the architects of Brexit have made fortunes. everyone else is fkd. people were told. they didn't listen.
Slightly different but along same lines… I deal with some companies who export second hand agricultural equipment to Europe, most going to or through France. Prior to Brexit a tractor would have a quick wash down to look pretty and that was it. Now it has to be literally dismantled and hand cleaned to get to standard French inspectors require. Yet if they export it direct to Spain they don’t have the same issues. How they describe it is both countries operate to same policies but the Spanish Inspectors are realistic whereas the French operate a white glove policy. And yes machines coming this way don’t have the same issues.
As long as the MP for the 18th century can get his paws on tortured goose liver pate and the Tories can rip up workers and consumer rights legislation and turn the UK into a sweat shop economy they will consider Brexit a resounding success.