Also adultery is a sin. So why did God artificially inseminate someone else's bird? Why didn't he just go out and get his own?
Said the same thing myself just the other day. She’d have been so far from virgin territory, especially with him being a carpenter.
"I've not cheated on you Joe, it erm...was an angel... yeah... honest. Oh and the angel just happened to look a lot like the milkman"
I believe Jesus was real. A real person, not a magical being who can turn water into wine etc though. Just a bloke who got added and expanded on for religious use. Rest of it though, naaaah not for me. Used to ancient times to control the masses. With todays science I find it hard to understand how people can still believe it. I know it does hell of a lot of good, but does plenty of bad too
I once read that hypothetically in a thousand years or so all reference's to Elvis were destroyed with the exception of a few snippets like he was known as the king and millions of people worshipped him. Would people think he was some kind of ancient god rather than a bloke who simply sang songs
All religious texts...e.g. the Bible (AKA the 'word of God'), the Quran, Guru Granth Sahib, and Tripitak were ALL written by MEN. They then became instruments to control the population and empower leaders who manipulate intepret and distort the texts for their own ends, most commonly to control and subjugate entire populations. Belief in a divine being is actually nothing to do with organised religion which I blame for most of the World's problems past and present. Just my opinion.
The more interesting thread on that hypothetical for me is if all references and traces of all religions were removed none would ever come back exactly the same. Entirely different creation and afterlife myths would likely replace them. However if all scientific knowledge were removed and lost in the same hypothetical way, over time all the knowledge and understanding would return exactly the same.
Given Religion and religious leaders ... Priests, Imams, Abbotts in Buhhdism,and Gurus in Sikhism, is/was both good and bad- i.e. a way of binding society togather but also causing interfactional disputes, arguments and even wars you could argue the internet and social media has become a type of religion in that it does exactly the same.
I, for one, believe it would. Religion is a human construct created in the minds of men and so they are subject to rules and laws based on nothing more than Faith and belief . Scientific discoveries are subject to external rules and laws e.g. the laws of physics which are constant. Ergo fixed and not subject to the whims of humans.
Yes, Science is based on evidence. The same results would eventually be reached. The process to get to that point may be different but the Earth would still be round, it would still orbit the sun. The universe wouldn't change.