Not particular bothered who wins, just hoping for a good game, plenty of goals, and no conning/ play acting
As I posted in the "losing to eventual winners" thread.......dont really care, not keen on both teams. Dislike France more, especially after Mbappe laughing after Kanes miss. I'd pick Argentina to win, reluctantly as someone has to and Messi probably deserves one, if only cos it'll really pīss Ronaldo off. All a bit meh as they say.
totally agree - apart from one or two results! have thoroughly enjoyed this whole tournament and good to see nations like Japan, Morocco doing well. Prediction - extra time 2-2 - Argentina then win on penalties.
Argentina 1 France 0 In 85th minute Messi picks up ball in 6 yard box and runs into net with it. Goes to VAR but it’s given because Messi deserves to win a World Cup.
The first World Cup final since 82 that I'll not be watching. No reason to get up that early on Monday morning. It's what YouTube two minute highlights were made for. Edit: Anyone but Argentina. So France.
I think France will win but I think I’d maybe prefer Argentina to. Not overly bothered who wins though, just hope it’s a decent game.
Bugger' you've stole my thunder mate' as soon as i saw the thread title thats exactly what i thought.