You could also turn that round the other way ST. There are posters on here who are fervently anti royal and, in the normal scheme of things wouldn't give Harry and Meghan the time of day who are jumping to their defence because of the alleged racism element. I've absolutely no doubt there's blame on both sides of this debate. None of the people involved in it, Harry, Meghan, the Royal family, are worth losing a second's sleep over. The tabloids are loving it though.
I'm just sick of general racism in society to be honest CR - it's getting me down. It's completely wrecked the country. Its also stopped me going to Reds matches (not that that matters at all in the grand scheme of things). We all know why posters on here don't like Meghan. It's not difficult. They don't know her. They've never met her. Yet they hate her. They don't know Kate. They've never met her. Yet they love her. It's obvious why. It's just racism. Posters will deny it - but it's just how this country is at the minute and it's really depressing. Look at one of the very first posts on this thread. The Venn Diagram of folk who voted Tory, Brexit and hate Meghan is the most perfect of perfect circles. It's grim.
see this is where society is so wrong, you say you don’t like somebody who isn’t white and apparently you are a racist! I’ve already put a post on here about why I don’t like the woman , I’m not going to repeat the post but absolutely none of it had to do with the colour of her skin. What’s wrong with people today? I just judge people as they are on how they behave . And the argument that you don’t even know them doesn’t hold water, this site alone is full of posts stating opinions on people they ‘don’t know’.
I'm fully with you on hating racism, Fonzie. I think my posting record on here backs that up. I'm sick to death of hearing about Harry and Meghan though. They annoy me. That doesn't make me a racist. If they encountered racism they should simply say who said what and when and leave it at that, not tease the whole issue out for months and years and cap it off with a Netflix series.
Sorry for the misunderstanding - I was in no way accusing you of that. Just the usual suspects on here who can't string a sentence together and just hate her cos shes a bit brown for them. I'm the same as you - I've no real judgement either way. I've actually watched the Netflix doc because I've been badly this weekend, and they're just a normal (as normal as you can be with that wealth) couple. But it still doesn't stop the frothing of the mouths.
I don't know how old you are but I'm 71 and I can remember loads of racists remarks over the years from that family particularly from the freeloader Phil the Greek/Denmark. Where have all the ethnic groups been employed by this German Family. I don't recall one since Queen Victoria and her Muslim friend who the Royals soon packed off when she died.
Credit to King Charles if he's still willing to invite them to his coronation after they have spent the past few years airing their dirty laundry of family matters in public for a payday, rather than sorting it in private. Still waiting for them to prove Kate made Meghan cry and what it was over. Still waiting for them to name which royal is supposedly racist. Bit accusations that they have been very vague about instead of naming and shaming as you should if it is indeed true. But we can see what Meghan is like as she's got shut of all her family apart from her mother and doesn't have anything to do with her old friends like Jessica Mulroney who for years played a huge role in the lives of one another. Even her big name besties that went to their wedding like the Clooneys, Oprah, Serena Williams etc have stayed very quiet on the topic. You'd think they would back their pals in public if they believed them wouldn't you? The 'best friend' of Oprah, Gayle King called the Netflix series dicey and said it was the right tac of the royal family to not respond. The press in her homeland are largely against the couple so she doesn't even get home support. Infact they have managed to get CNN and Fox News to actually agree about them.
I’ve never offered people out and I called one person a ***** because he was trying to get me banned again ! Anyhow chill out lad, life’s good , reds are a force again and it’s the season to be jolly
don't know what you're on about but we can do without puerile expressions like 'batting for the other side.'
You can't say this you will upset certain posters on here who can't see anything wrong with these hypocrites,looks to me like they like money above anything else.