Well I voted remain, did not vote in the last election, labour before, I don’t hate Megan, I dislike her due to her manipulation of everything she meets or touches
No but it’s the answer to everything because it’s easier to use than simply looking at the particular issues and deciding on a the correct approach
How long since you stopped watching reds due to racism pal?.......I am regular and have since early seventies......I’ve seen racism over years like every football ground probably has......but I have to say I don’t see at oakwell these days and I can’t remember last time there was any near where I sit..........not saying there won’t be the odd idiot around but not sure what or where you coming from mate.
They really are boring. They both knew what they were getting into. Just sound like a pair of entitled brats. Either disappear quietly or do something useful with your lives.
I cant recall any racism in 42 years of attending Oakwell , there definitely none these days as the crowd hardly make a noise.
Said the same,she knew exactly what she was getting into ( not excusing any racism) and knows exactly what she's doing now with her puppet Harry. And i don't hate them, like you i wish they would put up or shut up!
I gave up away games first - my brother in law is black and we used to go to a lot of away days together. But the pond life that follow us away from home put a stop to that. Just the language used week in week out made things very uncomfortable. (I presume it's not just Reds fan, but rather a reflection of society as a whole). I haven't been to Oakwell regularly since halfway through last season I reckon - I've been to the odd match, but none this season. I used to sit in the East Lower near the away end, and there were some right sorts who turned up. Its the gangway where most of the tickets are sold on the day - so there's no way of finding out who these people are. I reported stuff to stewards but they aren't bothered - they're on minimum wage and don't want to confront some drunk racist ranting about a black assistant referee for example.
I'll bow out of this thread now, I've said my piece. I'll leave the irrational obsession to you lot. Like how Jeremy Clarkson says he hates Meghan more than Rose West.
Such a pity that you feel you can’t go to football because of uneducated morons mate. Don’t let them win.
Take it from me there has been because I've had a confrontation with someone I called out on it. There's definitely less than there was in the 70s and 80s but that's a low bar.