Uncle Buck is my all time favourite , no doubt it will be on again & I shall be sat in front of the box chuckling away .
Joking aside you can’t beat Its a wonderful life , national lampoons Christmas and I love kids films, so Polar Express
Elf Christmas Chronicles Miracle on 34th street (both of them) Scrooged unpopular choice…I’m not fussed about it’s a wonderful life
Lots poo poo it but I’ve always liked Love Actually. Stellar cast, brilliantly acted, funny and over sentimental at the end, but so what? One of the best ever for me
Bad Santa.. Just avoid Love Actually. The most repugnant piece of **** ever. Makes me want to self harm..
The episode of black mirrors called white christmas, P2, Click & collect, Scrooge, Laughing gravy, Charlie brown christmas.
Scrooged has to be the best. Love Bill Murray. Polar Express and Home Alone make me fill up though. Bad Santa too.