Or Pizza, Curry, Oriental cuisine? Do people vary or have a favourite? I like a messy garlic naan donner but events last Saturday put me off. I ordered the belly buster and when it arrived I cut it in half bit into the donner meat and it was sloppy and fatty. It wasn't the rough, well done kebab meat I was accustomed to. I had to bin the whole thing because when I rang back they wouldn't answer the phone. £12.85 in the dust bin.
12parnd 85 i'd av been back and stuck it up his ar5e, or at least let em know i wer'nt reight happy, and not order ought again.
can count on one hand the amount of takeaways ive had over the past few yeasr because they are getting worse
Can’t honestly choose. Do tend to have one takeaway a week. (At least…), and have all of those now and again. Chippy too. Todays mood would say I’d order pizza though I won’t be ordering midweek… (though it has been known); tomorrow I’ll likely order summat / pick summat up on my way home as I’m working til about 6:30 in Leeds (weekly office day, I’m at home most days) and coming home to nobody as the kids are at my mums tomorrow night and the Mrs is working til about 11pm. Will it be pizza, dirty kebab, Indian, Chinese, Chippy? Burger? One of them. If I’d paid £12.85 for a kebab though, it wouldn’t have gone in the bin; no matter how bad I’d have forced it down through tears if needs be! Should have whacked a bit of lemon juice or vinegar on the grease, though as you’ll note from my profile pic I’m not necessarily averse to a bit of fatty food so I suspect I’d have wolfed it down regardless. I’m bloody hungry now you sod… better see if the kids have left any food in the house.
Just look at a Donner kebab being cooked. Urrghh - no thanks- just grim. And pizza is the most overrated food on the planet. I’d always go for food where there may be just an ounce of ability involved in preparation.
I can kinda get behind this now. The proper old school home made ones are delicious, but your typical run of mill takeaway type, i've really gone off!
Doner Kebabs: lamb's eyeballs, arseholes, feet, ears, tongues, tails and the really fatty bits, plus a wine glass full of fat in every one. Wrapped in burnt bread. Sauce is made in some godforsaken factory and fished out of a five gallon drum. Pizza: round burnt bread covered with tomato sauce and melted rotten milk. Difficult to choose between them but I'm going for the kebab as it doesn't have cheese in the *******.
Made me chuckle that. I absolutely hate the smell of warm cheese. (Cheese on toast. Cheeseburgers. Pizzas etc) But can eat it cold if it doesn't taste like a bar of soap.
Always treat myself to a mixed kebab on the way home from Saturday home games from the chippy at the bottom of Penistone. Usually a bit left over to line the old stomach on a Sunday morning before going to watch the "white hot" Sunday League action at Thurlstone.
A friend of mine was telling me he once had a tour of a butchers where they did the on site slaughter thing. He was showed how they cut up a cow into all the different types of meat. Let’s just say nothing at all goes to waste. After all the meat is sorted they get to the clean up of the equipment. The band saw they use gets dismantled so it can be cleaned / resharpened. Underneath it is all the congealed waste. That, apparently is the stuff McDonalds etc use.
Abdul's on Oxford Road in Manchester was always the greatest in the 90's. Unfortunately they franchised it & it went badly wrong.
Oi! Proper Italian Pizza is actually pretty difficult to master. The Pizza dough making process is very precise and takes 24 hours to make. The tomato base for a pizza rosso is made using a soffritto to which is added tomato. Most pizzas in the UK are pale imitations of the real thing or based on the American version of Pizza. I built a wood fired Pizza oven in 2015 make them regularly and still haven't mastered perfect pizzas yet.
I have no doubt authentic pizza is decent and made with skill - but the mass produced pizza hut style stuff is just a rip off. £15 for dough with some cheese and peppers chucked on - the profit margins must be huge. Sadly, I’ve only been to Italy once - a day trip to Venice. There was no pizza involved that day.