.Be careful what you say, there's sleeper's everywhere, you are being watched as you type, [ i love you Vladimir ].
Err I don’t know what you two are on about , I was just hmm commenting on a err the coincidence that they were not taking care near open windows
In all seriousness, I think this says something. When people berate Russian citizens about not riotting and pressuring Putin, stories like this are why. People who are so wealthy they could run and hide anywhere, and yet they're turning up dead. Imagine what could happen to regular people who oppose Putin? It takes hell of a lot of bravery, especially when you know it won't just be you suffering, it'll be your family
I was listening to a Russian girl ( living in the UK) on the radio, she'd been critical of Putin's invasion on a radio phone-in...she only gave a christian name, no other details...a few days later she started getting calls from unidentified numbers threatening to murder her unless she shut up.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...e-investigate-russian-politicians-hotel-death They keep falling from windows. They shouldn't get so close to them...
We'll be the first to be Nuked, he fooookin hates the UK with a passion, and blames us for the attrocities in the Ukraine, and already stated that he'll plunge us into the sea with his Nukes.