At last. 6 minutes added on. Great result regardless of performance. Now comfortable 4th in the league
What’s the point of paying for iFollow when they cut straight to an advert whilst the game is still being summarised. Crap.
Switch straight to commentary only as soon as the match ends. You'll still hear 5+ mins of commentary and then switch back to video after they finish just in time for goals replay.
Well that was a hard game . Hopefully someone coming in up front and a creative midfielder and we may stay in the playoffs
I can accept a bad / inadequate referee, as we may actually get something undeserved go our way. I cannot accept inconsistent referees, where decisions always seem to go one way, which both the last two have been.
Might look comfortable now, but if we’re as wasteful as we were Boxing Day and by all accounts, today, it won’t look as comfortable after the Bolton game next week.
So a comment regarding their penalty which our head coach needs to address. Had Collins actually.saved it, there would have been 3 fleetwood players wait8ng to tap it in, without a red shirt in sight.
Early afternoon for you and you've had a double win already. First we've three points and secondly you live in one of the few parts of America that hasn't made houses look like huge igloos.