I would imagine the club are more concerned about financial issues if the fa fine them again.and by putting out that statement they seem to be acting , just my thoughts but we all know those in charge are money oriented, and that includes the so called new regime
Basically, like most football clubs, we have a sizeable majority of ‘supporters’ who are racist, sexist, thick morons who are in serious need of a good education. The rules don’t apply to these ******* tools, if they can have a laugh at a woman, or hit a steward for doing their job, they don’t care about repercussions on the club. Can guarantee that the people causing the injuries will think that women should be at home doing the ironing and all lives matter.
My 16 yo. grandson has had a season ticket since he was about 4 and the only thing he's done wrong is fall asleep on my knee, he knows how to conduct himself in any situation because he's been socially educated in the correct way.
Yes. I would rather make an example of one situation if it means anyone of any age in the future doesn't risk costing us fines, stadium closures and point deductions. Even at that age the kid should know right from wrong.
massive overreaction. fortunately, I feel pretty confident the Club won't reach the same conclusion as you.
NO but the total wankspangle who supposed to be supervising him should be banned and given the fine to pay
Don’t care if it’s a 10 year old, 40 year old or a 100 year old. We are close to being formally punished for repeat offences - ban all involved. They’ve not heeded previous warnings.
The comments on Facebook and Twitter about this are depressing, they really are. Essentially the gist is that the stewards were ‘manhandling a child’ and the resulting melee, involving multiple grown men throwing punches and kicks at every steward there; then throwing traffic cones back over the wall after being ejected, hitting innocent fans with them, was all justified. One even says there is no point going anymore as the club is woke. That last comment was a female poster. Or from her profile anyway. I don’t know about anyone else, but if my lad had jumped on the pitch in a similar situation at the age of ten or eleven or something, then as long as they hadn’t actually hit him and intentionally hurt him, I’d both fully expect and fully support the stewards marching him off. I’d expect he would be frightened. Because he’d have just been a complete idiot, done something he knew very well was wrong and as such would need to learn to not do it again. I’d have apologised for his actions, not started a scrap and belted the stewards. The irony is they all moan about wokeness but I bet a pound to a penny if their kid was lifted by police from the street for getting up to no good, stuck in the back of a car and given a proper bollocking old style, they’d moan about that. I wasn’t in the west stand but I did see them take the lad off and up the stairs, and I can’t say as I thought they were being particularly rough with him. If the cctv shows they did act disproportionately then I’d hope the club takes action there as well, but there is no justification for what followed. Grown adults behaving like thugs. We will end up with another fine for this, likely much bigger than the last one. In fact it might cost us a signing or two in the upcoming window.
Whilst I in no way condone anyone for going onto the pitch, I find it a bit harsh to talk about banning a 10 year old for even one game for this. All it requires is for the parents to explain to him that he shouldn't have done it and the potential penalty for repeat offences. If as others have said, the stewards acted properly in escorting the lad off but were assaulted by adults for doing so then any penalties should be applied to these adults. Physically assaulting a person for simply carrying out his proper duties is clearly something for the police to deal with. Such behaviour is not confined to Barnsley and any action by the FA should be proportionate but we all know they will make an example of us whilst ignoring things which happen at other clubs (like Millwall just for starters - to my knowledge nothing happened after the 2016 play-off final).
Just on the last point, the ******* wankstains who caused this will be the same pricks all over social media claiming we need to get some money spent and that we have no ambition.
I'm happy to wait for the results of an investigation. However, I have seen, with my own eyes from the Accrington lad's vlog that one of our fans ran on the pitch. It wasn't just onto the perimeter of the pitch it was virtually to the half way line. Either he's old enough to know better or he's not in which case someone should have been supervising him. Every fan with any modicum of intelligence should be aware of the club's predicament regarding fan behaviour. It seems this person or their parents don't realky care about that. Action should be taken.
Oh dear, more trouble, more fines. Not that I’m excusing pitch invasions by spectators, but we’ve just had 2 months of elite world footballers all piling off the bench and onto the pitches at almost every game. Not a word said.