Lots of talk, but I’m not clear about what actually happened.? Don’t get to games. So much for our reputation of a friendly little football club .?
From what I saw he certainly wasn't man handled and certainly wasn't carried off the pitch - seen that as well. He was being led out and that's when it kicked off. Adults objecting seemed to kick off the trouble - looked quite nasty at one point. Knew it was bad when that steward innthw Ponty that looks like a Russian boxer got involved
ive moved my seat because of groups of unsupervised kids running riot behind the goals in the ponty while stewards do nothing, whatever happened last night its good its being investigated and the people who caused it either banned or advised to future behaviour, they will be the ones complaining if we dont spend in the transfer window because we ar epaying league fines again because of the idiots that unfortunetely seem to follow our club ad seem immune to rules
Oh I agree, it wouldn’t occur to my kids to do that ever. However, I do think behaviour of players should be exemplary if they expect to be “protected” by stewards etc. Just piling on the pitch in huge numbers is not the way to go. It happened at most games in Qatar and wasn’t even questioned in any game I watched.
Without in any way condoning the behaviour of the so-called supporters involved, I have to say some stewards hardly covered themselves in glory. One in particular completely lost control of himself at one point and had to be physically restrained and dragged away by 2 or 3 of his colleagues. Whatever the provocation, as an employee of Barnsley Football Club his behaviour was disgraceful.
a nipper ran onto the pitch when we scored the winner last night. couple of minutes later there was a scuffle in west stand. club have released a statement tonight saying it's being investigated. two stewards received hospital treatment and a couple received first aid. all kinds of speculation as to what happened during the fracas, but no actual facts so far.
Same people who turn up at school because their angel got a detention, or can’t believe their son would do anything wrong when picking them up from the Nick for shop lifting or carrying a knife.