None of us know the full facts, pitch invasion, 1x 10yr old child. I would say what happened after should be the issue here. Afray, Assault, ABH, GBH, Jail terms.
Good comment mate.....sometimes if you say something someone doesn’t agree with you can be literally hung drawn and quartered on here and labelled all sorts ....even though the accuser probably knows nothing about ya!.....hope I don’t get slagged for this lol.....Happy New Year all btw!
All I saw from near the coaching staff dug out in the West tand was a lad running towards the half way line after Cundy's goal only to be stopped and led back to the corner where the Pontefract end meets the West Stand. What happened after that I don't know, so I will await the clubs investigation. But we all know you are not allowed on the field of play regardless of how old you are. We have just been fined £30000 by the EFL for another incident so the club has to react to this latest incident.
Dull as fck. Way too many things to worry about than tw4ts at football. If BFC can’t behave, then we’re truly fcked. Big yaawwn. I’m in no hurry to get back to Oakwell.
Maybe you’re exaggerating, and I’m only a couple of pages into a 7 page thread but you’d really find a one game ban harsh? One game? That would be a completely reasonable punishment and one I’d be fully expecting a parent to give as a punishment. I’d definitely be telling a kid they couldn’t go the next match after their behaviour at this one. Especially when it ended up descending into what it did. Whilst that wasn’t directly the kid’s fault it all came about after their initial, illegal, action.
Perfectly reasonable for a parent to impose a one match ban I agree but the club? A 10 year old is generally not considered to be criminally responsible as far as I know.
They wouldn’t be putting him in jail for the duration of the match, just saying he’s not welcome inside the ground due to his behaviour at the previous match.
The age of criminal responsibility is ten, so the kid could be prosecuted, personally I think the club shouldn't go down the criminal route, but a three game ban would be justified. At ten years old kids should know what they can and can't do.
He needs some punishment , few games ban etc. Any kid that age should know he’s not to do that, his dad also is culpable and should suffer some ban. Thing is it’s just not the actual stupidity of running on the pitch it’s the escalation it caused, if more kids had come on it could have kicked off even more. How the hell people can even defend the act when its providing yet another chance for the powers to be to come down on the club is beyond me!
Having not been at the game yesterday and not seen the incident, or any other commentary on it other than here… here’s my two-penn’orth. I have a 12 year old lad and for the last 4 years (but not this year) we have had season tickets. If when he was 10 he had run onto the pitch during a match, he’d have been in a lot of trouble from me. If a steward had had to grab him and pulled him off the pitch, he’d still have been in trouble. The kid isn’t the issue. U14s are supposed to be with a responsible adult who is there to stop them running on to the pitch, joining in obscene chants, throwing coins at opposition players… whatever. The appropriate response to a child under your supervision who runs on to the pitch is to give them a telling off and try to educate them into what they’ve done wrong. Not assault stewards. Don’t think anything I’ve written there is contentious and can’t understand why this thread has descended into two extremes of people who want the head of the child on a silver platter, and those who think stewards/the club doing their job deserve to be vilified.
He needs some sort of punishment or he will be seen as a hero to his mates,but then again if he gets some punishment he will be seen as a bigger hero.