That’s fair mate. Although I was there and did see it. Whisper it quietly on here but the stewards were an absolute disgrace. Not condoning what’s gone on afterwards but it would never have got that far if they had done what I would have thought they had been trained to do. Infact I’ll expand. Wasn’t going to, as you said this thread has got a bit crazy…….BUT it’s really bugging me…… It’s incredible how “brave” these stewards are and willing to throw punches when it’s little kids or they are massively outnumbering someone. Yet they quietly disappear without a word when a bigger group are misbehaving. I’m sorry if this upsets a few on here but some of them are bullies and cowards. I’m absolutely certain this “thorough investigation” will be a complete whitewash. We badly need to look at who we / the contractor are recruiting as this incident has been a long time coming. For what it’s worth my 10 year old knows not to run on the pitch. If he did I’d give him a right bollocking. But you can bet your life if some numbskulls start knocking us both about over it they’re getting some back. I challenge any dad on here to say any different.
Aye. Cos them fckers that are off their head on ale don’t cause any problems Ps. I’m not advocating drug taking but this thread is mental A young kid has ran on the field. Obviously needs action taking but fck me some want him banning for life, his parents flogging and everyone tested for drugs or alcohol before entering a ground Mental
Are you accusing the stewards of punching at a child? What did the police say when you reported that horrific child abuse?
Where have I said test everyone for drugs? The suggestion (and other suggestions) in this thread isn't a response to one incident last night, it's a pattern of consistent bad behaviour from our fans that has a real chance of affecting the footballing side of things. Like it or not, coke is a real issue in football these days.
This thread is absolutely bonkers. The world is going to hell in a handcart and some have a ten year old kid ‘invading’ the pitch (Daily Mail reporting from the Club) on a par with the invasion of Ukraine. Get some perspective. The issues connected to the Stewards and supporters ‘injuries’ are still conjecture.
Obviously not. And this type of response is exactly why I wasn’t going to go into it initially. Already wish I’d not bothered.
I’ve no doubt some little fckers are smacked off their tits but I attend 95% of away games and most arguments / trouble is caused by the older travellers that have been supping all day
If they swabbed the toilets in the Ponty end at full time, I would put money on traces of cocaine being found pretty much every game.
And your point is? We're on about Cocaine at Barnsley games - which you seem to think is OK because it happens in town. Bit weird.
At this point, with how much trouble & fines we're getting, I'm starting to think Hex were right in saying they were the lucky ones getting out of the Barnsley/Hex deal.....
That doesn't make it right, If you want to do that sort of thing do it in your own four walls and don't leave the house until the effects have worn off. Why should the rest of us have to put up with somebody off their tits on illegal substances and being a ****.
Rife in England probably even be traces in the houses of Parliament. Seen sniffer dogs at home and away games regularly not sure how else you police it really.