The darts hasn’t really got going yet but who do we fancy ? I’ve gone for Johnny Clayton at 18/1. On his top form he can beat anybody but Van Gerwen is the main threat I think
The Sky Bet special of Barney to get a 180 in every set came in at 5/1. Same bet tomorrow at 2/1 for MVG. Glad that the Sherrock panto is over for another year.
He has done well to get back in the top 32 and really any player should be getting at least one 180 every 3-5 legs of a set. It shouldn't be that difficult.
In the last round of 32 matches, 30 were won by the favourite so if you reckon an average price of 1/3 and a stake of £10, then you would have profited by £80
I can't too excited about it until around the 4th round. Especially if I have to listen to drunk southerners calling tables "tay-bulls'. The event is milked to death when less is more. Too many are involved and it drags. You get women given a place for having a vagina and others getting in just for which country they come from such as Ukraine. It should be no more than 64 not nearly 100 and it should be the 64 best in the world, everyone in the same boat regardless of gender or nationality. Women gain nothing being gifted entry for having boobs. All three lost straight away this year in one sided scores. I get wanting to boost the profile of the sport worldwide, but when someone gets in because of the country they are from it doesn't work when they average in the 80s. As for Q school there shouldn't be an overseas version as it's easier to get a card against weaker opposition. Everyone should be at the same venue, playing the same event. If that means mainly Brits qualify so be it.
We’re down to quarter finals tomorrow and everything seems to suggest a Gerwen win. I got Clayton ew to at least reach semis and a win bet on Van Gerwen so must have a chance. Who fancies anyone else ??
It's looking like MVG isn't it !! He seems to be the more consistent finisher from what I have watched and is averaging well over 100 consistently. Price or Smith could threaten him if they play at the very top of their games but in the longer matches that's a big ask !
You disagree that the tournament is too bloated? You don't think the tournament entries should be based solely on ability and not things like gender and nationality?
Well … it’s a Michael Smith Van Gerwen final and rightly so. Van Gerwen has won last 2 rounds to nil and is 17/1 to do same again. I thinks it’s unlikely to happen again but it seems like a reasonable punt based on his averages etc. In any case, I just hope its a good game or should I say that it’ll be good darts from the Dutchman
Greatest leg of darts ever. MVG misses double 12 for a nine darter. So Smith takes out 141 for the nine darter. Utter filth.
Absolutely stunning stuff. Way these 2 are going I wouldn't be surprised to see another one before games out
Sky love going OTT but I agree it's the best match ever and I was a huge fan of the Taylor finals with Barney and Painter.