Make sure we have adequate diversity within our admins. We need the delegation to include happy clappers, club bashers, Corbynites, NHS killing Tories, Brexiteers, Remainers, people who live in Barnsley and love it, people who’ve moved away and hate it and at least a couple of fence sitters. We also need a full new charter that you agree to by signing in.
Added bonus we could have a lengthy witch hunt thread full of accusations around who were the new Admins
When would it happen? It should take place at Oakwell as we are short when it comes to the matchday experience.
We need Ben back on here sharpish, not just for his admin but more so for his general contribution to the board. He is much missed
Best thing he did was taking a sabbatical. He’s a great bloke and was getting it from all sides. Horrific haircuts, mind.
Wasn't exactly witness to everything, but some of the stick I saw him getting was beyond ridiculous. Not normal at all. Social media is a cesspool at times indeed.
To become site admin or get gangbummed by a pack of rabid dogs? I can secure a pack of rabid dogs should they be required.
Please open the Beevor Court access Road though, to avoid people having to climb up that muddy banking....
Would echo this @Loko the Tyke seemed like a great bloke and there was some horrible bile written towards him. In fact there’s horrible bile written towards lots of people on here and it’s totally unnecessary.