I might do it, I've got most of the qualifications; 30-odd years in software development, an aptitude for problem solving and intolerance of other people's opinions...
I would expect an on field unveiling ceremony, similar to the one Ronaldo has just had in Saudi Arabia.
I am not sure why anyone criticises this sites admin tbh......they allow people to say voice their opinions and do their level best to get rid of obvious “stupid controversial postings’......doing a good job for and keep it up please
I think admin do a great job fwiw. They all have jobs and lives. They can’t spend every second on here policing things. For me they’re very liberal, which is how I personally think it should be. There’s a line between admin and censorship - and it’s a very fine line. Generally speaking I think people here hold each other to account reasonably well. Things do get personal from time to time, and threads can stray off topic - but that’s for us to manage for me , not admin. Personally would take a lot for me to delete threads, which sometimes gets thrown up. Even the worst threads have teachable moments. Just deleting stuff isn’t helpful at all IMO.
Totally agree. I'd have the likes of yourself, Jamdrop, Churton, Archey as admins as you tend to deal with threads well and have a lot more patience than I. Agree with TM in that it's a thankless task, though.
I'm something of a technophobe, but I do have 35+ years of management experience in customer facing roles which have given me a healthy disdain for having to deal with joe public. Come to think of it, sod the Admin job, is there a match day experience manager role going at the club?
This thread was a bit racist to put it mildly https://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/former-labour-rotherham-councillor-mahroof-hussain.318723/ Unfortunatley as Gally mentions in the OP to this thread we've lost a few site Admins and it was a while before Gally spotted the alerts and took action It seems the few of us left dont get the alerts we used and we are down to only 2 or 3 active Admins now all of who are part time at best hence Gallly's call for anyone else interested