Back at Barnsley after loan spell at Hartlepool. When he first came to Oakwell he looked to be a class player with great potential. Sadly he never lived up to expectation and slid down the pecking order and out of sight. I suspect his loan spell away from Oakwell was not a successful one. Nobody seems to know which is his best position as he is not robust enough in defence, midfield and not a great crosser of the ball to be a winger. But if he is ever going to make anything of a career then it has to be now.
When he first got into the team, at left back, I thought he was great. Then he was left out of the team, maybe injured, and that, pretty much, was that. Except one of the greatest goals in our history, of course, helping us to set a record that will surely never be beaten, possibly even worldwide. The longest continuous period of time in the relegation zone in one season, whilst avoiding relegation.
Yes I have to agree, his career has slowly spiralled downwards since then. I do wander if Michael Duff can rekindle his career where others have failed.
It's Oduor. He's been disappointing previously, but Duff said today that he starts with a clean sheet and he'd give him the opportunity to prove himself, so let's see what happens.
I'm glad he's back, i like this lad, just needs to work with Duff, an i'm sure we'll see more of him, good luck an welcome back
Too lightweight and doesn't work hard enough. If he can't cut it at lower L2 level then I reckon even Duff has his work cut out to make a player out of him.
Agree.......we had a similar thread the other week on this btw......he’s had loads of chances with a lot of managers....Duff is only saying the right things by saying he starts with a clean slate......Odour will be gone as soon as we find a suitor(hopefully)
Not much choice, we can't send him out again because he's already played for two clubs. Will be interesting to see how Duff compares him to Larkeche as a LWB
Needs to make his mind up what position he plays. Personally I’d say LWB which could work under Duff’s regime, & we could terminate that Fulham lads loan to make space for another striker.
Playing for the u21s today. Would be interesting to know what position he's playing if anybody is watching it
Last chance saloon for the lad, if MD can't make a player out of him it's curtains for him, will end up playing for upper non league teams.
Massively want him to succeed. Would feel like a new signing. Definitely has the craft going forward, but that alone won’t be enough, It’s entirely in his gift though. We saw with Iseka, Duff won’t hang around waiting to make a call. If he doesn’t see the graft, he’ll be out of the picture quickly.
Probably more suited to a less physical league and maybe see him playing in Holland or Belgium next year.