the armed forces people and the Taliban who have commented would beg to differ, in particular the chess piece reference
What gets me. Him and his mrs didn't want the limelight so why is he doing all this.i think he should book an appointment at mind
It makes my mind boggle how so many people seem to hate him with such passion for being a bit of a gobshite but never had the same opposition to his openly racist grandfather, his (alleged) sex offender uncle or his grandmother who paid to hush up the alleged sex offences and exempted herself from race equality/environmental laws. He's probably a bit of a knob but in terms of what he's actually done he's far, far down the list of objectionable Windsors.
I bet the women of Afghanistan who had two decades of relief from the female hating Pakistani Taliban who are gradually returning the clock back to the middle ages again in Afghanistan thought us being there was a good idea sadly they were let down massively by the men of their country who failed to defend their country from the Pakistani invaders and are failing to protect their women folks rights now.
Your right let's invade Saudi, quatar and the rest of the middle east show them how to behave. We can also go to china,Korea and then Russia etc show them how to behave and police the world... Dress it up how you want it was a illegal war based on lies