We had ours on December 25. The Ukrainian Orthodox are having theirs today. Now does Christmas celebrate the birth of Christ? So was he born Dec25 or Jan 7. Can’t be born twice. Then again he did die and come back to life. Can anyone on here explain?
Christmas Day here in Georgia. We’ve just had our roast with all the trimmings! The dates issue is because of the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars… We had New New Year on the 1st and will celebrate Old New Year next week!
Cos the Russians use the Julian calendar that pre-dates the Gregorian calendar, which is commonly observed. Or its all based on a fairy story and you can pick any date u fancy. Personally I don't know why we have it in December.......everywheres so busy!
And as my wife is Nepali from the Newari indigenous group, she has 3 birthdays - ‘English’ birthday (as she calls it), Nepali calendar birthday and Newari calendar birthday…
Found this....long article.... Today marks an important day for Christians ... but why this date? There's a disagreement about why the church chose Dec. 25 for Christmas. Two main theories compete: Either the Christians stole the date from pagans, or pagans stole the date from Christians. One theory notes that in A.D. 274, the Roman Emperor Aurelian inaugurated Dec. 25 as the pagan "Birth of the Unconquered Sun" celebration, at the calendar point when daylight began to lengthen. Supposedly, Christians then borrowed the date and devised Christmas to compete with paganism. Aurelian's empire seemed near collapse, so his festival proclaimed imperial and pagan rejuvenation. Before 274, there's no record of a major sun cult at the Northern Hemisphere's winter solstice (the year's shortest day, which actually occurs before Dec. 25). William Tighe, a church history specialist at Pennsylvania's Muhlenberg College, champions the exact opposite theory. Aurelian almost certainly created "a pagan alternative to a date that was already of some significance to Roman Christians," Tighe wrote last December in Touchstone, a Chicago-based magazine for Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant traditionalists. True, the Christians later appropriated Aurelian's festival into their Christmas. But Dec. 25 "appears to owe nothing whatsoever to pagan influences," Tighe asserted. He said the pagans-first theory originated only three centuries ago in the writings of Protestant historian Paul Ernst Jablonski and Catholic monk Jean Hardouin. Tighe acknowledged that the first hard evidence of Christmas occurring Dec. 25 isn't found until A.D. 336 and the date only became a fixed festival in Constantinople in 379. However, the definitive "Handbook of Biblical Chronology" by professor Jack Finegan cites an important reference in the "Chronicle" written by Hippolytus of Rome three decades before Aurelian launched his festival. Hippolytus said Jesus' birth "took place eight days before the kalends of January," that is, Dec. 25. Tighe said there's evidence that as early as the second and third centuries, Christians sought to fix the birth date to help determine the time of Jesus' death and resurrection for the liturgical calendar — long before Christmas also became a festival. The New Testament Gospels say the Crucifixion happened at the Jewish Passover season. The "integral age" concept, taught by ancient Judaism though not in the Bible, held that Israel's great prophets died the same day as their birth or conception. Quite early on, Tighe said, Christians applied this idea to Jesus and set the Passover period's March 25 for the Feast of the Annunciation, marking the angel Gabriel's announcement to Mary that she would give birth. Add nine months to the conception date and we get Dec. 25.
Here in Spain they celebrate the nativity on 24th December but most gifts are given on the evening of 5th January, the gifts don't come from Santa Claus/Father Christmas, they com from the 3 Kings (wise men)
Funny buggers them theer Spaniards. How the **** do 3 wise men get down the chimney. ? Take it in turns.?
Ian, it is generally thought that Jesus’ actual birthdate was early September, academics have looked at this and come to that assessment. On another note, I’ve got tickets to the Gladbach v Bayern game on Feb 18th!!!!!