Keeps me grounded. I love Laura and always will. In spite of village idiot persona on here. I know what really matters.
I don't know where I'd be mate. Honestly. I do reign it in when Laura is about. She's perfect in my eyes. I talk about her so much because I'm besotted mate. Those deviant messages/threads are a caricature and sometimes fantasies. In truth I'm quite boring.
Don't like Scott's delivery style and at times she appears muddled and unsure...then again Owen and Hargreaves make her look like David Attenborough...
I zipped to the end of this thread after reading half a dozen posts. Alex Scott is not any worse than someone like Alan Shearer who gets paid zillions for telling us what we already know. What Alex Scott doesn't do is scratch the surface of what i don't know. A few of them make me think. Most of them don't. S'abart it.
I’d say imo that most commentators, pundits , presenters etc won’t tell us much of what we don’t know because tbh we know , What we really want is for them to describe what we already knew and confirm we were right , That mostly works on neutrals I think and some fair minded partisans , Don’t mind pundits or whatever getting it wrong or even a little biased (I love Danny Murphy although I don’t agree with him all the time ) Some (pundits etc) just don’t cut it and I agree but imo Alex does and I’m not playing the race card as has been intimated in some tweets . But some performances are under more scrutiny than some others and start off with a genersl critisism then morph into something else (not from this board ) as has done earlier .
Lineker was woeful at the beginning - more wooden than the Amazon Rainforest! He took his time but he got there
S D - hope you're confusing your metaphors here - 'reign' is what a monarch does - I think you maybe mean 'rein in' which is what you do with a bridle when seated on a saddle............???