Is how long my wife’s been in hospital today. Sat on a shitty metal seat in a busy waiting room with no offer of food or drink for 17 fućking hours. And she didn’t go for anything minor, she was having severe chest pains and needed morphine in the ambulance at midnight last night for the pain. Turns out she’s got pneumonia again, poor lass. I suspect sitting in that waiting room hasn’t done her any good. The NHS is not fit for purpose. Fućk the Tories and all who vote for them.
Feel for you mate , best wishes everything turns out ok for your missus . It’s disgusting and immoral what these bstds have done to the NHS and it’s very loyal and brilliant employees and patients .
Sorry to be hearing this mate. Best wishes to your wife. Hopefully on the mend soon. And I must concur with your sentiments regarding the evil ******* tories.
I feel for her Mido. And you who was probably there with her. It's atrocious. The news would make Farridge's day though as it's another step nearer his insurance based health system.
I hope your wife's health begins to improve despite how she's been treated. How Tory voters can sleep at night when they see how NHS staff are put upon as they are, goodness only knows.
Tories have ruined the NHS but Labour will have it all to do to improve things. Hospitals were built at a time when the population was much smaller and people generally older. Now those same hospitals have to deal with a bulging population and a much bigger percentage of the country being older, helped by advancements in medicine and treatment.
Sorry to hear this mate. It's frightening the state it's in now and it's all chickens coming home to roost from years of neglect. Of course the solution will be privatisation. I'm terrified. My mum is elderly and in poor health and has been hospitalised virtually every winter for the last three winters. I've bought home oxygen to try and keep her out no matter what. I just hope that as gullible as the collective public are this sh*tshow isn't forgot in the polling booths. The risks of 5 more years of neglect are too great. I hope your wife recovers fella. I'm sure you know it already, but it's not the guys and girls in the hospitals fault. They don't want her sat there that length of time any more than you do.
Sorry to hear this - my 85 year old mother in law had a nine hour wait - had to go back the next day where whe waited another 12 hours! It's not the staff - ut's the system. For all the stats saying we have increased spending we still have the second lowest spend per head in the G7
Sorry to hear bud. Hope she recovers quickly & healthily, very sad way to start the new year off. Love to you and yours
True , but govts should budget for the demand of the populace and it’s needs . I don’t think there’s much argument if the govt budgeted for the demands of a modern NHS and social care except ftom maybe some multi millionaires . It’s just not in the Tory party’s DNA imo .
Yes they should. It's same with reservoirs. When they were made millions left lived here. We've not made more of them or made the outdated ones we have bigger or deeper to take more water and so we end up with shortages more than we used to.