The problem is it’s not going to go unnoticed the job he’s doing here. How he’s got this squad in a shout of the play offs at this stage is unreal.
only chance I think we have of keeping him next season, is if we get promoted. I hope someone is looking at succession planning.
Actions speak louder than words though, so it will be interesting to see how he's going to get them to reverse this. Quite glad the Washday match has been put back given the way they performed yesterday. We need battling Barnsley back!
Its alright him nailing what our problems are but they keep happening don't they' its his job to stop it happening not to keep highlighting it in post match interviews.
They "keep happening"? We've lost the last two games, after winning 6 on the trot and then drawing one.
I’m a Duff fan but I’m a bit confused that he keeps implying other teams are better motivated , that’s his job
I'm afraid he will be stuck with what he's got, like all the previous coaches, with very little say in player acquisitions. We'll see.
He's spoke this way after a few games, which is fair enough but he's paid to make sure it doesn't happen.
Not sure what a manager can do to stop players making stupid individual errors on the pitch. He can do as much coaching as he wants but that won't stop Wolfe sticking his arm in the air, or Walton making that ridiculous pass Players HAVE to be take responsibility and be more switched on.
Not sure playing out from the back is the problem per se, I think its just unbelievable moments of sheer madness. Not like we were overplaying or anything, just shocking passes from Walton today and Cundy last week That said, there's definitely a time and place for going long, just doesn't help when we have no one to hit if we do take that option
Unfortunately at this minute we’ve probably got the worse squad depth wise and certainly centre forward wise out of the top 7 teams in our league which makes the job Duff is doing exceptional. We need addition’s added quickly and hopefully get a couple of injured players back otherwise i can see us dropping out of the playoff picture pretty quickly.