Reading about this but a bit confused. They access ya key while it's indoors and use the copy to open ya car and can in some cases start it. question is is this only keyless cars. most of us have a fob opening car but a key start..can they open any car that has a fob ??? don't think they can start a car that needs a key but am sure one of my BBS colleagues can put me straight..ta
Yes this is keyless cars with a keyless start. I use a faraday pouch to stop this, something like this, though I got mine off ebay.
It is cars that don't need the key to start i.e you just need the key on your person and press a button to start. Crims can clone the key so the car thinks the key is close enough to start.
We had ours nicked end of October. According to police they work in pairs and all they do is use a signal booster to pick up the signal of the key to open the door and then start the car. Cost about 20 quid on Amazon, the ones that nicked ours also blocked our WiFi as all 3 security cameras stopped working. Wife insisted on having key start this time even though I bought some Faraday pouches
I still see no logical reason for keyless driving. It seems like a solution to a problem which didn't exist. I hired a Dodge Challenger when I was in America, which is by far the most exotic car I've ever driven. I spent half of my time worrying whether it was locked or not. I have no issue whatsoever with clicking a button to open a car and inserting a key into the steering column.
This. The inconvenience of having to put a key into a slot in the steering column and turn it is so close to zero I have no idea why they thought it a requirement to have a start stop button to save the hassle. It just wasn’t needed at all.
Think it comes from when the concept of saving fuel when stopping at lights/traffic and engine stopping started, as a key system relied on the person constantly turning the key etc.
I guess the term is 'over-engineering'. There's probably some sort of benefit of an electric fob as opposed to a traditional key, but surely there's no great disadvantage in having some sort of key as a security measure for starting a car. Nobody buys a car because it has keyless entry, in the same way that nobody buys a car because it has electric door mirrors.
My old car had stop/start technology but was still a key. Current car is keyless. It can be a bit of a faff remember to leave the house with it as used to just picking up my house keys. Obviously I get to the car and realise!
Pointless gimmick All these people with keyless cars must absolutely hate unlocking the front door of their house
My five year old Nissan x-trail has a standard key ignition and has fuel saving engine cutting. The key ignition makes no difference. Just re-fires as soon as you dip the clutch or hit the gas.