My previous car was a BMW that had a system that was actually more trouble than the old Key style One inside the car it was keyless with just a start button, but it didnt have keyless entry so you had to get your keys out of your pocket to press the button on the keyfob to open the door, then in the car you would sit down and realise you had to find somewhere to put the keys - tricky to put them back in your pocket sitting in a car seat - I often thought if only there was somewhere you could put your keys - like a slot in the steering column for example Current car does everything with the keys in your pocket but it does make checking its locked a bit more of a challenge. Still there is a phone app for that. I never had a problem with physical keys or thought they needed to be improved
Stayed at my daughter's this Xmas and they have keyless cars. My hire car was keyless so they got me into the habit of putting the card into a spare Faraday bag in the house. However my question is.. Do pro car thieves and gangs target cars in supermarket/multistory/ cinema/shopping malls. As you leave your car can they not pick up the signal and steal it while you are away? I assume they know the models they are looking for so watch out for them arriving. Unless you keep a Faraday bag on you and religiously put the card in it as soon as you get out of the car is it not at risk of being cloned? Might as well just use a key fob in your pocket and lock car as you walk away using the remote.
Personally don't care if it gets nicked. If someone wants to nick summat bad enough, they will find a way. I'd rather not have to faff with keys. My car doesn't even have a start button. Put it in drive and go. If it gets nicked it gets nicked. It's only a car. It's insured.
Don't be too sure. In South Africa, I once saw a bloke driving a people carrier with mole-grips attached to the steering column.
Same, I tend to sit with the keys on my lap… often wonder about putting a hook on the steering column.
Having to report a car as stolen, find a different way to work or whatever you usually use the car for, have to shop for and buy a new car and then list the insurance claim for next 5 years seems way more of a faff to me than sticking a key in a slot.
For me I'd find it for more of a faff to have my car stolen than pressing a button and turning a key Edit just seen @JamDrop post saying the same.
Even without the faff I don’t see how someone wouldn’t care. I cannot imagine walking outside and seeing my car had been nicked and just shrugging and walking to the bus stop.
Hedge my bets. I’ve not had a car stolen in 30 years. I don’t buy cars, I lease em, precisely so I don’t have to do any of those things. If it gets nicked I’ll ring a number and get a courtesy car while it’s sorted.
Not on your own on that one lol I once stood there for 2 or 3 minutes continuously pressing the key fob and then trying the handle on the front door before the penny dropped on what I was doing wrong lol...I put it down to a senior moment lol