Have had a while off here basically because of 'nasty' posts from people. I was told to 'fu.ck off' by Stephen Dawson, ridiculed and belittled by Tekkytyke (I personally think he does this a lot when challenged) and told one of my posts was pathetic by Dragon Tyke. Some will probably say 'if you can't stand the heat....' which may well be correct but when the heat is perpetrated by fellow Barnsley fans who should ultimately be on the same page then it sticks. Its just not pleasant. Its upsetting. However, I have decided to post occasionally on here again as some decent people who never say 'boo' to a duck deserve my wit, repartee, likes and criticism. My knowledge is another matter. As an aside I tried to make a brief 'comeback' a few months ago but when I thought Loko was patronising me I myself told him to 'f off' as a defense mechanism. I aoplogised for the rudeness and havent posted since. As another aside there's not enough apologising on here in any case...people say things they shouldn't and things escalate and become toxic because they dig in and do the keyboard warrior bit. Anyway...if anybody tells me to 'fu.ck off again' I will and wont be back on here again (jolly good some will say)
Welcome back and try not to make things, and take things personally, i post some reight 5hite at times, but its mostly to lighten an brighten my life up, always look on the bright side of life, dont think everybody likes yer cos yer a Barnsley fan cos they dont, and dont think we all want to be yer mate cos we dont, i only know 1 poster on ere and i could'nt an would'nt give a hoot what people thought of me, cos i know if they ever met me in person they'd say foook me that fat fooookers not so bad after all. Welcome Back.
Take it easy mate. Vast majority of people here are sound. Really genuinely best to just pop em on ignore. What you can’t see, you can’t get dragged into
Good to have you back mate, if I were you I would take anything said on here (or anywhere on t' internet) with a pinch of salt (or a pint of beer). I felt the same a couple of years back when I got some abuse from some pro-Brexiters for my anti-Brexit stance. At the time I decided to keep out of the Brexit threads but continued posting on other subjects including our beloved football club. This place is just like being in a pub with a range of people, some of whom you're going to disagree with, you just have to steer clear of them.
Reminds me, i was walking on the Beach an i stubbed my Toe on an old rusty can, an as i bent over an give it a rub, a Genie pop's art an sez, you have one wish, so i said, When i pee on a neight, i wanna pee, the finest Whisky in the World, done says the Genie an in a flash he's gone. Anyhow that night i put's two glass's on the table and proceed to fill them, this continues all week, until friday night, Our lass say's, why only 1 glass, T'neight your Drinking from the Bottle.
I am sorry you have had some grief. I think most of us have taken some abuse. I hope you do not encounter any more. My advice is the keep things light and avoid politics.
You've posted some weird and wonderful things on this site but I don't recall ever reading anything nasty or vindictive from you.
KcP - good to have you back - I think most of us have had some abuse - e.g. YT called me a f****** lovely person* but we've now kissed and made up. I think people often resort to personal abuse because they have lost the argument.
Must admit I can shoot mi gob off off before thinking but as far as BBS is concerned I often delete stuff av written before posting it cos I do the 10 second rule before pressing send, among other things Ive been called a Daily Mail reading sheep because I said Labour wouldn't win with Jezza Corbyn in charge but resisted the temptation to retaliate as I mostly do. I have found that the vast majority on here are decent intelligent people with a great sense of humour as well as helpful when needed....good to see ya back mate and look forward to some banter heading our way