Busted flush. Should just retire now. Obviously lost the hunger. He was a great player but he looks done. At 26. And let’s be honest, he’s looked out of sorts every time he’s played for nigh on three years. I don’t think he’s played well since he was 23 or 24. MK’s first team at 16 and a Spurs regular from 19. England regular from 19 too but hasn’t played for them since he’d barely turned 23. Such a shame really. Don’t know what happened to him.
I agree. I reckon he's gone the same was as David Bentley and Jack Wilshere. (I'd add Wayne Rooney to that list because his peak was earlier due to when he started playing. He wasn't the same player for me after 25.)
Two smoked ham and branston sandwiches with spicy pickled onions, cheese and hovis crackers followed by two pork pies and some mustard to dip them in.
I wonder if Duff could do for him what Hill did for Vaz Te? Not sure how long he’s got left on his contract. Certainly wouldn’t be able to afford him otherwise.
I remember him being at his absolute peak in about 2012 when he was 27. There was a game where he was dropped into midfield vs Wolves and played like Pirlo.
Maybe I'm a couple of years out with my guestimate regarding his peak but he became less effective as he got older because he started so young. Miles off Messi and Ronaldo even though he's roughly same age. Not a patch on Bale either.
Yeah I think you're off with your numbers mate. I do agree with you though in principle, could definitely have had a longer peak. I never liked Rooney and I think it blinded my judgment on him as a footballer, but looking back, as I got older... Absolute incredible talent. Insanely good. Agree he was never anywhere near Ronaldo and especially Messi, but he was certainly elite. Hard to judge about Bale, because he was a phenomenal talent, but I think a lot of that was due to his speed. So a better athlete certainly, but I think in my opinion, actual talent, I reckon Rooney edges it. Wilshere was just injury after injury what ruined him, he was class too. Nowhere near the players just mentioned but such a shame about his injuries. As for Dele, I agree with what's said in here. Very talented but just had everything so young, so rich, everything he ever wanted, I think that hunger for the game left him. And when Pocc left Spurs, just fell off a mountain. As a random bloke with no experience or expertise in psychology, I reckon best thing for him would to step back from the game, even till just end of the season, get away from it all, get professional help and take time to rebuild. Come back and then find his old form
I don't think he's bothered enough about football tbh. I think he liked the camaraderie of the game, the money and lifestyle but that perfectionist zeal, that competive spirit seems a bit lacking.
I'm not saying this is him but I do have empathy for people who are very good and naturally gifted at a certain thing but don't particularly want to do that for a living etc. Sometimes it is due to pushy parents, sometimes due to necessity.
I feel a bit like this in that I'm decent at what I do, but increasingly dislike it. Sadly unlike Dele Alli I'm not minted and able to just toss it off, and at this point I'm probably too far in and trapped by the need to meet outgoings to take a salary hit and switch to something else. So I guess I'll just keep trudging on for the next 30 years.