Interesting watch that tonight……… The rich lass questioned the poor father as to why he chose to work 18 hours instead of 40 to which he replied, if he worked 40 hours he’d be no better off after his benefits and he’d see less of his kids which I applauded him for that but it got me thinking…….we’ve created a culture now where genuine family people chose not to work (as many hours)as financially it dosent make sense and I get that but how’s it come fo this and how the hell do you turn the tables so working FT is the best option?? Yes there’s some lazy ******** out there but there’s also a lot of people who are devoted to their family who probably given the chance would do more hours if the numbers stacked up…….what a sad world we seem to live in!!! As a relatively young man life seemed so much better when I was growing up in the late 80’s/90’s……..
By increasing wages and certainly not cutting benefits. It isn't a race to the bottom like the current government wish
It's same with things like childcare costs not making it worth it for a lot of people to work. The one and only good idea Liz Truss had was to increase childcare free hours from 30 a week to 50. As a working class mother she understood (in this instance) what was needed. But then Rishi comes along who's never had to worry about childcare and it gets quietly dropped.
I 100% get that but if you take someone for example who isn’t skilled but willing to work a 40/50 hour week and stick them on £15+ an hour then those with a skill set (plumber sparky etc) who some currently only get that then where’s cut off cos we’re just going to end up in a vicious circle of everyone wanting more thus making everything even more expensive……… We’ve got ourselves into a right pickle here
You’re quite right, do you think this **** the tories is just creating an even bigger divide In the country though? The tories are totally out of touch with how people are living yet Labour don’t seem to want the gig given how much **** we’re in, it’s a crying shame they can’t ditch there coloured ties for a period of time and try to get the country back on its feet……
A used that as a reference purely as I was talking to a pal of mine last week ago was he saying he had some lads on the books who were moaning they wanted more more money etc and could get £20 elsewhere…….my point being is that there will be 1000’s of skilled tradesmen getting circa £15/hr
The divide is very real. And it’s been systematically and very deliberately architected by ruling classes over decades and generations. Tory philosophy is wilfully cruel, ruthless, deceitful and uncaring. I despise everything they stand for. So yeah, I can’t imagine a time they will ever say ‘actually we need to do the right thing here’. As depressing as that is.
Working should always pay more than a lifestyle choice of benefits. Trouble is, wages have been suppressed so long that benefits now make that a choice to many. As per the example in your opening post. I wish I could do 18 hours to spend more time looking after my 2 lads for the same income. Not easy bringing up 2 lads solo, running a house and working full time. The energy crisis is undoubtedly knackering up many. Business included. Instead of supplying money to everyone individually (and I include myself in that) the government should have intervened at cost level in the energy market. Meaning that those costs end up no where near consumers. Or tax the ***** on their profits more
Don’t get it. I’m devoted to my family but I’ve worked 12 hour shifts 2 days 2 nights + extra shifts overtime for 20 +years. My kids are now 20 and 18 spent lots of time with me kids, had great holidays. The both played rugby/ football and I’ve hardly ever missed watching a game. We all had BFC season tickets for years. Go out for family meals, watch tv together etc. If I only worked 18 hours a week I’d just spend more time drinking and laying abart and probably wouldn’t have done anymore with my family than I have how much time do they need, spend more time with kids lol, they be in bedroom on Xbox
There'll be complications that make this make sense - rather like the other thread about Child Benefit. But the general rule is that work pays under UC. Not as much as it should - George Osborne is to blame for that. I'd be interested to see the details of this case. BTW - It's amazing how the Tories have managed to convince the working class that people shouldn't earn more as that makes it unfair for skilled workers. As if only the monied classes should be allowed high earnings. INDEED is currently showing electrician vacancies from £15 to £75 an hour, f the minimum wage became £15, what do you really think will happen to £15 ph skilled jobs?
Tbh à couldn’t give a toss what next person does really, a stop in my own lane…….it just alarmed me to think that folk are sometimes better off doing less work for the sake money and if that guy wants to do that so he can spend it with his kids then fair play to him, a know I love being with my kids as much as possible however if he chose to work 40+ hours cos that suited him then also fair play, like a say, a don’t rally give a monkeys, it was just an observation on a tv programme
Could be to do with childcare if he was a single parent. Very difficult to do 12 hour shifts as after school clubs, nurseries don't cater for this and not everyone has family to help out.
childcare cost is a massive issue. my OH didn't work for best part of 3 years, as the cost of childcare meant she would have been virtually working for nothing. even now, when he's in school, the cost of after school clubs is a fair old chunk of £ over a year.
It's not just the cost, it's needing time off for kids being ill, inset days, a lit of jobs aren't 9 to 5 etc.