Post from the 'Lost Football Grounds and Terraces of the United Kingdom' site on Facebook. I don't know what is more suprising... ...Barnsley being in Scotland or somebody thinking there's a good atmosphere at Oakwell Link " Was just reading a very revealing and extensive research project by Sport Scotland (Gov) regarding the top 5 Scottish stadiums based purely on atmosphere. The project itself took over 9 years to complete and looked at various elements of Scotland’s stadia including, average attendances per regional populous, originality of chants, decibelic hand-clap readings (using sonar) and tonal timbre of singing when host team was both winning and losing. Fascinating. Here are the results: 1. Aberdeen (Pittodrie Stadium) 2. Hearts of midlothian (Tyncastle) 3. Queen of the South (Palmerston Park) 4. Barnsley FC (Oakwell) 5. Falkirk (Brockville Park) "
For me, the funniest part is that "The project itself took over 9 years to complete". It's clear that somewhere along the way, the project team had a few too many whiskies, turned left instead of right and unbeknownst to themselves, ended up on the wrong side of the border, somehow getting as far as Barnsley (and back 9 years later) without realising their mistake. Sounds like a helluva trip.