One of my local MPs has just been suspended for lobbying.
Tories care about the state pension, a good proportion of their voters are pensioners. Conversely, very few Tory voters are on benefits...
On a completely unrelated note, I was at Uni at the same time as Sam Coates. I am reliably informed that his nickname at school was "the graveshiitter".
they don’t care or we wouldn’t have one of the lowest in Europe. They occasionally fake concern to prop up their data base but is Sunak ever going to rely on SRP. Interestingly anyone receiving SRP is in receipt of benefits. They reclassified it
I think you can see far more blue on that table to show that’s not the case. Let’s not forget there’s some money missing off that table, the likes of Rees Mogg et al.
She has a really, really successful OnlyFans page. Its a bit niche, but I'm told its in the top 0.1% of older female politicians worldwide...
But what training, experience or qualifications are pre-requisites of becoming an MP? Are pressures and responsibilities any less than say a nurse in an ICU, a bus or coach drive ferrying kids to school, a train driver carrying hundreds of passengers,firefighters Risking their lives, teachers who have years of traiing at their own expense to qualify as such, all of whom get paid less and most have just as poor social working hours? As well as salaries many legitimate costs for travel, accomodation for late night sittings, meals etc can be claimed by MPs too. So why do people believe an MP deserves more and in particular, be allowed to moonlight in a second job? None of the other occupations I referred to can as it is written into their contracts.
Johnson, for example, would be sacked in any other job for Gross misconduct. He doesn’t perform his duties as an constituency MP. It’s a national disgrace. He is far worse than Matt Wanksock
Starmer hid the identity of his backers during the leadership election when all the other candidates revealed theirs.
I don't know whether that's correct or not, but either way it didn't seem to bother the large majority of members that voted for him.
I’m not bothered about his backers. I voted for him as a member. I am bothered that he stole my vote and others by lying. He would never have got elected on a pro austerity anti immigrant pro Brexit anti worker, pro privatisation of the NHS ticket. So he just lied about those things. And we have a David Cameron tribute act backed by George Osbourne and Farage as an opposition.